Ok dems. Time to stop whining and get moving

For the GLOBALIST CONQUEST!!! Geez he’s said it like 10 times now, for what purpose I don’t know because its silly made up conjecture, but to each their own.


It’s the same call to action.

What was the policy then?

The first thing is to start discussions about how the US might be able to help them. As far as I have heard no talks are taking place.

this has NOTHING to do with dems… again republicans control the house, the senate and the presidency they have no power

I think the first thing to do is take a look at the judicial part of this. Currently we are prosecuting every one of these misdemeanor. It is going to back up the system big time. I heard that a person will wait a minimum of 52 days to get in front of a judge. Also, Sessions changing the rule that now does not permit gang violence as a reason to apply for asylum is bogus. These people absolutely fear for their lives. And lastly, the president has to stop the rhetoric that the majority of people coming over the boarder are bad people. Just today he referred back to his speech when he announced he was running for president. Rapists, murderers, drug dealers and maybe a few good people. He continues to use the fear factor.

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fear of brown people sells… i love how the republicans ignore the illegal Europeans that are here

He also said that appointing more judges is ridiculous because there would be graft. Of course, he didn’t expound on this.

Yup. What are the pictures that are being released by the government. Teenage boys. Gang members, all of them. And nobody talks any more about the travel (Muslim) ban. You remember the one that was only to last 90 days.

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And I hear that processing at the border is at a snails pace. Trump doesn’t want this issue to go away. He thinks that it is ripe for the mid-terms.

In the words of Ronald Reagan about how we can solve this problem…today.

“Mr. Trump. Pick up that phone.”

when 2/3rds of the nation things this is messed up … this will kill their mid terms elections if they dont act swiftly

But it is clear that Trump does not care about all Americans. He only cares about what his base thinks of him.
And every message is tailored to appeal to that base. He believes that the same base that elected him will do it again in 2020. I just hope that the poll numbers that trend that his base is slowly erording are correct.

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Yeah this is not polling well. Outside of his rabid base- this will kill their election chances in November if they keep this up. Thats why the GOP Campaign Committee is freaking out about this.

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) on Monday called on the Trump administration to prevent family separation at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Stivers, who chairs the House Republican campaign arm, said if executive branch doesn’t take action to change current policy, he plans to take action to prevent the division between minors and parents who try to enter the United States illegally.

“As a father, I know firsthand that there is nothing more important than family, and I understand why kids need to be with their parents. That’s why I have publicly come out against separating children from their parents at the border,” he said in a statement posted on Facebook.

“I am writing a letter to understand the current policies and to ask the Administration to stop needlessly separating children from their parents. If the policy is not changed, I will support other means to stop unnecessary separation of children from their parents.”

I get that you guys seem to think this is somehow politically advantageous for you to do, which is really the whole ■■■■■■■ problem.

now on the right wing news circuit they are trying to bring Obama into this saying he did the same thing… i dont remember the Obama administration doing stuff like this especially to this extreme as a political bargaining chip for a dumbass wall

Speaking of the opioid crisis…

Trump points to San Diego as a model. But it is by far the biggest gateway for hard drugs.

Geez… Why do we have these discussions if you are not even going to TRY to understand the numbers you are tossing around… The 10,000 you speak of are UNACCOMPANIED minors… UNACCOMPANIED means there is to family relation to verify…



It also highlights the bad faith behind this, as though Trump’s GOP really wants to do something different. While Americans oppose what’s going on, most Republicans support it: