Ok dems. Time to stop whining and get moving

Here, let a church tell you somebody is not a good enough Christian. A link to madasheck’s thread.

■■■■ it.

Turn them all around at the border.

That will end the separation and make libs happy, right libs?

Are you saying that every single Dem in the US is an atheist?

Do you believe every single Republican is a Christian?

In your dreams! The libs will hate it because it expedites deportations and ends catch and release. The special love they claim to have for the children only goes as far as what the children can do for them. I’m thinking that if the bill goes down, it’s because the democrats and establishment republicans will not support anything short of catch and release.

Poor widdle Snowflakes. Do they get blankies and pacifiers, too?

“Trump called on Congress to authorize the government “to detain and promptly remove families together as a unit,” which he said was “the only solution to the border crisis.” And he went on to mock current security measures at the borders as insufficient and castigated the immigration court system as corrupt, appearing to reject a proposal by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) that would keep migrant families intact in part by increasing the number of immigration court personnel.”


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No. I’m not. But It seems that the only time they find their faith is when they are accusing republicans of not having any. It’s just way too judgmental for my taste. And make no mistake, I’m certainly no fan of the republicans either. I have been hoodwinked enough times not to trust them. At all.

God I wish! Instead they get a giant salary, first class air fare, an obscene pension, the best retirement that you can give them and a gold plated health care system funded by you. Not bad for a part time job. Aren’t you proud to be taking such good care of them?

Yowza! That is simply total amnesty. If you sneak in, we legalize you. That is horrific. Lately the dems have modified it to include, rapists murders, MS13, child molesters etc. They no longer support the deportation of ANYBODY.

Not your problem? But think of the children man. THE CHILDREN!!!

Conservatism hasn’t failed. Conservatism has yet to be tried.

We just elected Donald to burn the system down so we can get a Truely True Conservative in power.


The children are the Republicans’ problem. After all, they control every branch of government.

Thanks in advance to them for taking a huge political spanking before getting around to doing that.

Or this: Conservatism isn’t a perfect system. It’s just best system. The goal is to have the most conservative government possible. But true conservatism is really difficult to achieve without an actual conservative party to represent us. So we do the best we can under the circumstances. And yes. Thank God for Donald Trump. Without him we would have gotten the same old Big government status quo republicans such as Kasich or Jeb. Or worse. The witch. We have one branch of the government. Which is one more than we usually have.

I always feel bad for God, the crap humanity blames him for.


I do want to discuss.

It’s a little short on details. Where does she suggest housing the violators? In her basement? What does she want to do with them? That’s a pretty big part of this ya know. Is this simply catch and release part two? The Cruz bill has real solutions. Diane’s seems to suggest that we just return to the failed policies of the past. Do we want to fix this problem or not?

By ignoring laws passed by Congress? No.

The people who cross our borders illegally can stop it tomorrow.

It is a complete lie that Trump need to enforce entry at the border by separating families.

Stop parroting Rush Limbaugh.

It’s also a fact that he was doing this to those people seeking asylum…lying that seeking it by surrendering at the border is not a legal way to seek asylum when in fact it is.

Stop parroting the CEC. Miller manufactured this and Trump signed off on it, and Trump can damn well stop it today.

Amnesty and you are home free once you cross the border. No thanks. But be honest and run on that instead of photos of kids in cages from 2014. See what happens to your “blue wave”.

If you come openly to a port of entry (bridge etc.) and declare you need asylum, you are not going to be prosecuted. If you sneak across at an unprotected area and only remember you wanted asylum after you are arrested, then you are likely to be out of luck.

Trump is the same old big government status quo republican as the rest of them. Cut revenue, spend more, blame democrats. That’s been conservatism well…as long as there’s been conservatism.