Ohio governor signs heartbeat bill into law

I’ve heard a few liberals here in the Buckeye state promising to flee because of this law. Just like the one’s who promised to bolt the country if Trump won. They are not keeping their word. How disappointing.

How is cutting off government funding to Plan Parent hood shutting it down? They should be able to get enough donations to keep their doors open. There are other low cost health centers that seem to keep their doors open without government welfare.

Planned parenthood should not be on welfare.

Many women voted for the ■■■■■ grabber-in-chief. There is no gender bias when it comes to being an idiot.

And when exactly does Ted Nugent get out of prison?

How dare you point out the never-ending stream of hypocritical stances by the religious right.

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Dear GOP,
Please let this poster set the 2020 platform!
The Hostage Majority

Ted is from Michigan not Ohio. And I honestly did not know that he was incarcerated.

If a woman kills her born child, what should the punishment be? Is it more or less than 1 year in prison?

Your equating “morally wrong” with “being pro-life” politically.

This simply is not true, as your own stats show.

My platform wouldn’t include charging women with murder for an abortion if it was made illegal, doctors on the other hand who performed them…If you aren’t ready and able to have a child, don’t have the kind of sex that could result in one being made. Which by the way, doesn’t mean you can’t have sex.

So you don’t really believe abortion is murder.

It’s not currently no, murder is illegal. The question is should it be and what the appropriate punishment would be if it were, we don’t treat all murders the same with one set sentence guideline.

A woman having a doctor perform an abortion is equivalent to hiring a hit man to assassinate someone.

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There we go. Embrace that hate.

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Great idea.

No hate.

It can’t be anymore assinine than saying, “we have no more room.”

But then you’ve got THIS jackass:

■■■■■■■ with pregnant women for fun.

Principles folks.

We have no more room for those that will be more costly to our nation than what they will financially contribute. If this doesn’t make sense to you, please, PLEASE…don’t run for office.