Oh No! Is Joe getting Kavanaughed?

Not in the White House with an intern.

Now I will grant it hasn’t come to light, but given Clinton’s history, would you be surprised if he did cheat while she was pregnant?

What difference does “porn star” make?


Rationalization is cool.

And human.

[quote=“Phaedrus, post:195, topic:229111, full:true”]

cant stand stern

that is still a bad thing, but worse when you abuse the presidency to do it while your young daughter sleeps right down the hall

Can I quote you on that the next time I am accused of deflection?


You mean she didn’t support Biden? I can’t imagine why.


I knew it…

Sure, but I doubt progressives care what I think.

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Yes. The Biden treatment. The exact same scrutiny. As for the supreme court? He will never be nominated for that. So your idea is kaput. How’s that for a straight answer? Is this all? Or do you still want to play your silly game of gotcha?

Well that’s my first reaction.

The woman is claiming fear of reprisal for waiting until now. I contend that the MeeToo movement had its heyday and at that time there was no chance of reprisal that media or society would allow.

But Biden wasn’t running for anything then. There was no political capital to gain from it 18 months ago.

But today? Big fish to fry!!! Seems these accusations don’t come out until the potential knockout can cause an earthquake.

I don’t believe the woman. Not at first glance anyway. Not from first impressions of the accusation. But I’m open to seeing/hearing more info that could support the accusation.

PS: Maybe this is why Bernie didn’t drop out yet.

[quote=“PurpnGold, post:186, topic:229111”]
Who in this thread has done that?
[/quote]Which word or group of words are tripping you up? I made no reference to any poster/s in this thread, not even indirectly.

FOX news has picked this up. At least on their website. I have no reason to believe or disbelieve her. I wasn’t there. I would like to hear more before I make a call. Maybe Sean will give her an interview.

I think you completely missed the point. Kavanaugh was confirmed in spite of being Kavanaughed. The late-in-the-game smear campaign is what is being called Kavanaughing, not the outcome of what that action was intended to prevent. So no, Biden would not have to win in order to be a victim of Kavanaughing.

And as far as hurting him (Kavanaugh) it most certainly did. Now he has an asterisk next to his name that will be there in the history books forever … the man who was accused of numerous acts of sexual misbehavior, but who was confirmed by Republicans anyway.

You clearly do not know what the term means.

I love how you just pluck a number out of thin air and post it as if it were fact.

Maybe he has deteriorated into a second childhood.

Surely you know that in the Hannity Forums all threads are about Trump. :wink:

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And according to her statement … no underwear.

They are more expensive.