Oh No! Is Joe getting Kavanaughed?

Well, it is the only known antidote to hypocrisy.

What you say matters to me.

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Tara Reade is an interesting lady. That’s the woman making the accusation.

Take this little post she did a bit back…

“What if I told you that everything you learned about Russia was wrong? President Putin scares the power elite in America because he is a compassionate, caring, visionary leader. … To President Putin, I say keep your eyes to the beautiful future and maybe, just maybe America will come to see Russia as I do, with eyes of love. To all my Russian friends, happy holiday and Happy New Year.”

She is also a big Bernie supporter, go figure…

Does she wear miniskirts?

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Still looking?


Defines aggravated sexual abuse as knowingly causing another person to engage in sexual conduct by: (1) using force against that person; or (2) threatening or placing that person in fear of death, serious bodily injury, or kidnapping. Provides additional penalties when that person is a child (under 12 years of age).

Where’s the definition of “sexual abuse”?

The Me-Too movement are the real hypocrites in this, as they have declined to support this woman in her quest to seek justice.


i completely agree! in fact it makes me cringe.

Who in this thread has done that?

It has started…

Who’s “they”

I don’t know, I didn’t say “they”.

At the presidential debates (if we have them), they should have this woman sit in the front row alongside the 20+ women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual assault.

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But you sidekicked Nolan…

He said “they”

You owe @SixFoot a penny. Royalties.

Ask him.

Another? Ah well, the sheer fandom is royalty enough for me.



They’ve made you a rock star.


[quote=“Phaedrus, post:141, topic:229111”]

Maybe you did.

Hey remember when Republicans thought Bill Clinton cheating on his wife was a bad thing?

In the White House with the hired help.


Oooh, I can top that: on his pregnant wife with a porn star.