Oh No! Is Joe getting Kavanaughed?

She should have her chance to air her case…in front of a Senate panel…on TV.


That should disqualify him from the presidency

Agreed. I wonder if CNN agrees?

I’m fine with that.

Me too

I’ll be interested if she’s a Bernie support…or better yet Andrew Cuomo supporter.

Can someone please point me in the direction of who started this push on cuomo. It’s so dum

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I’d be interested to see if the “me too” MSM tries to bury the story.

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i’ll call judicial expert alyssa milano to sit right behind him and make anger faces and shake her head


As am I. And if there’s merit to the claim then he’s done.

We just know libs playbook. Never let a crisis go wasted.

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it’s soon going to become a “conspiracy theory”

Perfect. She can sit next to Bobby De Niro.


Notice how trump supporters in this thread don’t seem to actually care yet Democrats in this thread do… :thinking:

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That would depend on if they bury it or not.

Supposedly happened in 93.

Trump got 2 thumbs up from his worshippers when in came to sexual assault cases.

Why is this different? Right, I know.

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That’s not an answer. That’s a bumper sticker. But hey thanks Calvin

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So did this story just come out a few hours ago in ya’lls email inbox?

With all due respect. We get it. We know your opinion of us. Nothing new here. It’s starting to get broken record boring. :yawning_face:


so who sees this as part of the plan to get NY gangster Cuomo the nom?