OFFISHAL OHIO Special Electshon Thread

Yes it will. You got it right

they spent 4 million i believe for three months

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She’s now a man?

All this lefty gender time warp dancing is getting difficult to keep up with.

Seriously…ouch even worse.

I hear that Hillary has an 85% chance of winning the Presidency and that 92.49% of all statistics are made up…

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Your point?. If this race is any indication then good need to spend clost to 10x what a democrat spent just to barely eek out a win in a race that has not been competitive in generation. How much do you think the actual xompetive races is going to cost?

According to media buyers and party sources, Democratic nominee Danny O’Connor spent $2.4 million on the air, while Republican nominee Troy Balderson spent a bit less than $600,000. The National Republican Congressional Committee spent roughly $1.4 million, either on independent expenditures or in conjunction with Balderson; the DCCC spent roughly half as much. And the Congressional Leadership Fund, a PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, spent $2.7 million on ads and organizing.

I think just as the links show the RNC and NRCC are well positioned financially for the fight.

We will see in less then 100 days. To spent that much on a seat that should have been a gimmie and to have it this nail-biting close. It should be. Wake up call to GOP and it will be a rallying by Dem voters. Nevermind d thisnseat is coming rack back into play then

According to media buyers and party sources, Democratic nominee Danny O’Connor spent $2.4 million on the air, while Republican nominee Troy Balderson spent a bit less than $600,000. The National Republican Congressional Committee spent roughly $1.4 million, either on independent expenditures or in conjunction with Balderson; the DCCC spent roughly half as much. And the Congressional Leadership Fund, a PAC aligned with House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, spent $2.7 million on ads and organizing.

At the same time, the Democratic National Committee reported spending $300,000 in Ohio, mostly on organizing the local Democratic Party, as well as $100,000 directly to O’Connor in donations from the DCCC’s email list.

note the break down

Winning, …

so what? what does thi shave to do with the fact the GOP spent 4 million for a win that was 11 points under trump, and at close it was 0.9…Its a red district. I dont…No i know you dont grasp how bad that ROI is for the GOP.

What do you think is gonna happen in swing counties? The gop cant spend 4 million on every seat. Whats worse you guys spent 4 million for a seat that gets reelected in 3 months.

now double down

she lost dude…i bet you wear a mullet as well.

Check in with us about midnight on election night in Nov.

yeah i figured you have nothing. just some weak as ■■■■ fall back.

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I have reality. See ya in November.

As I’ve said before, all the enthusiasm for voting right now is with Ds. There won’t be quite as big a gap in November, but Rs will need to get their base out to the polls. It should be a wake up call, but I don’t think it’s a disaster.

I think the Washington primary results are far more of a disaster for the GOP than what happened in Ohio.

I doubt we will be the ones celebrating. Would like to be wrong, but doesn’t look good.

I think the GOP will be wiped out of House seats in November. That’s a loss of three seats right there.

In WA 02 the person running against leftist Rick Larsen is known as Uncle Mover, as big of a joke as the Rent is Too Damn High guy. And he was the second highest vote getter in that primary.

I wish I had enough hair to even try it! HA!


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