OFFISHAL OHIO Special Electshon Thread

This seat has been R for like 30 years and Trump was there campaigning was he not?

Exactly my point. The last time Democrats where even less then 10 points from winning was 2000

That’s true, it’s a solid R seat. Still don’t think it’s solid proof one way or the other that Rs will lose badly in November.

I have predicted Ds will take the House, but I wouldn’t bet on anything.

A 0.5% difference triggers auto recount

Right now .8

I"m curious what rationale Hannity comes out with tonight to agree with your take.

Provisional ballots still outstanding Balderson has this, still it came down to the wire and they rematch in November for the full term

.04 isnt a good gap for the gop…that’s bad

The Republican candidate was a RINO. :slight_smile:

This was a win for Democrats. No two ways about it.

it’s 0.9% now, thanks to Trump’s endorsement!

Well that was fun

November is going to be a gutting of the Republicans.

And it is going to be AWESOME!

From a solid GOP district to less than 1% lead in under two years.

Wonder what the mitigating factor is here?

Better luck next time.


muahahahahahahaha… they lost! thye cant make the news “we won in a Republican district” “blue wave coming” and so on, annoying everyone with theri nonesense… :sweat_smile:
Im happy there are no specials until Nov, so they have no occasion anymore to start that pathetic hysteria. Looks liks the blue wave will suffer a setback due to extreme aridity :laughing:

…and ^thats the typical liberal manner to put a slant on reality …:wink:


Exactly. Just like 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016.

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I don’t know but with these numbers GOP should seriously consider better gerrymandering.


Missouri voters kicked the ■■■■ out of the legislature over their right to work bull ■■■■■

Ass beating a coming down the pike to punk-ass old Republicans. And youngin’s too. Equal opportunity, so to speak.


It doesnt matter if 20% or only 0.8% - the winner goes to Capitol Hill and the loser can blame Trump on CNN or else :sunglasses: