Obama worst president since WWII

Are you really that clueless?

Neither Obama is the worse nor Trump is the best.

Donald can’t even win at being the worst at something. That ought to really singe his oversized tie.


Bush ll gets us into a needless war and has the worst economics crash in 80 years, but Obama is the worst. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, sorry.

Who’s the worst president of the United States since World War II? Donald Trump, according to a plurality of voters.

A new Quinnipiac University National Poll released Wednesday showed that 41% of voters named Trump as the worst of the 13 presidents who have held office since then. He was then followed by Barack Obama, who received 21% of votes.

Here’s the rest of the breakdown:

Richard Nixon, 10%
Jimmy Carter, 8%
George W. Bush, 6%
Bill Clinton, 4%
Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
Ronald Reagan, 2%
Gerald Ford, 1%

Obama can look on the bright side, though -

Here’s who voters thought was the best president since World War II:

Ronald Reagan, 28%
Barack Obama, 24%
John F. Kennedy, 10%
Bill Clinton, 10%
Donald Trump, 7%
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4%
Harry Truman, 3%
Jimmy Carter, 3%
Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
Richard Nixon, 1%
George H. W. Bush, 1%
George W. Bush, 1%

No wonder. Even I approved of him leaving office. :wink:

Popular is not the same as good.

So unpopular is not the same as bad? Hold onto that thought. you’re gonna need it.

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Did I say that? No … I did not. Quit making ■■■■ up and you might not look so petty.

Good for the goose, good for the gander.

If you didn’t say so much, you wouldn’t have to take back so much.

At least I have something to say.

You look tired. Go to bed.

It’s a fascinating what happens when “someone who doesn’t hit the intellectual bar people expected for the president” is contrasted with “someone who doesn’t hit the intellectual bar people expect from their door girl at Sephora.”

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Your reputation is firm; you can quit now.

Atta boy…

Yep … solid as the rock of Gibraltar. :stuck_out_tongue:

ok. Sure. Anything else?

Trump will go down as the worst. Period. I predict if he loses reelection, he will not keep quiet, but will continue to be a damaging and disruptive influence. In fact, I think he will constantly hold his Nuremberg style rallies and attempt to run again.

Obama’s only saving grace are the black apologists who believe telling how terrible Obama actually was makes a person a rascist.

I used to believe Trump would be the worst but now say that has yet to be seen.

Bush ll got us into a completely unless war and all the aftermath that entailed. And he oversaw the worst economic crash in 80 years occurred.

It’s going to take a lot to ‘‘out do’’ that.