Obama to give McCain eulogy. Trump not invited

Encouraging people to beat up opposing viewpoints is shutting it down.

Don’t play games.

I can’t fault McCain. Cruz and “Little Marco” wrote off Trumps attacks. The Bushs and McCain have not. Its up to each to react as they choose.

So why is this guy still a Senator, he has basically been brain dead for a number of years now.
At least with the cancer he has an excuse.

There you have it folks!

I’m sure the people butthurt about Michelle Wolfe will be here soon

No it doesn’t. Being vet does not make one’s opinion any more valid than any other citizen.

Man…how do you contain all of that class in one body? It must be a huge expenditure of effort.

Stay classy, San Diego.

Tell it to McCain.

Why would I?

Hes not the one who said some ignorant, classless ■■■■■

But Michelle Wolfe? Outrageous!!! - trump supporters.

What does that mean?

McCain has more patriotism and self-sacrifice in his toenail clippings than the entirety of the absolute ■■■■ bag you voted to be president.

Donald isn’t fit to clean that man’s toilet, let alone attend his funeral.


Boom Shaka Laka Boom!

True dat!!

Yes but I was a cook for the most part

The worst of it was Trump using bone spurs as an excuse to avoid the military, then saying avoiding STDs was his own “personal Vietnam”. A gross insult not only to McCain but to anyone who honorably served.

Even if Trump had not mocked McCain’s military service and sacrifice, I wouldn’t blame him for still not wanting Trump to attend. I certainly had political disagreements with Obama and Bush, but both of them were gentlemen and certainly treated veterans with the respect they deserve.


Jesus man, this doesn’t help Trump and it certainly doesn’t benefit you. Crap like this stains the soul.

Its not worth it.

Do better.

Am I forgiven yet for never giving in? You were mad as hell at me for months.

Our homeless vets for the most part are homeless by choice. We can’t force them into shelters, or subsidized housing and most of them are on VA disability or Medically retired.

Trump earned this with his comments about McCain. It’s really not worth arguing about.

Some of the things he did and said to get elected are simply unforgivable.

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