Obama’s Super Fake Birth Certificate ten years later: The Aftermath


Birther Republicans sacrificed a lot trying to take that machine gun infested hill. And for nothing.

Birtherism is an ugly thing.


What did they sacrifice? If anything birtherism was one of the first signs that promoting insane conspiracy theories is actually a plus in the GOP…

Trump.was a big birther… even lied about sending private investigators do Hawaii… helped him in the election…

Hawaii has been a Blue state since the 60’s. You really think they’re going to go against one of their native sons?

It killed their credibility with non ideologue Americans.

“Native son”?

Well, there you have it…


So the State of Hawaii faked it?

Clearly Trump’s legacy must include the staying power of birtherism.

Buh buh buh buh Hillary started it! :crazy_face:

He ordered a copy from the state of Hawaii because he didn’t have his original. He showed that hard copy to reporters and posted the PDF. This was June 2008. Then a bunch of people still didn’t buy it so he asked the Hawaii DoH to release a vault copy. He posted a PDF of the vault copy and the Hawaii DoH released a statement saying it was legit.

Unless you think Hawaiian officials should’ve brought the original certificate to your front door so you could inspect it personally he did not just “produce a pdf”.

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Just admit there is literally no evidence you would actually accept that Obama was born in Hawaii. If this is your standard then anything showed to you could be a forgery or a lie.

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I’m pretty certain those arguung the certificate was fake are doing it to get a rise out if people.

Have what?

Are you thinking that the term Native Son is racist?

native son


a person born in a particular place:The delegation from Iowa nominated a native son.

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Ha, ha, ha.

No. That’s not my point. My point is you’ve explicitly called him a a native son, born in a particular place. To wit, Hawaii.

Kinda resolves the issue, now don’t it?


Why would Hawaii be protecting “their native son” if he was born in Kenya? Your argument folds in on itself like a cheap box.


Birtherism was the canary in the coal mine for the downward spiral of the Republican party into the alternative reality of MAGA world.


Obama released his BC in 2008. After he released the long form the percentage of Republicans who thought it was forged INCREASED to the point where more than half of all republican primary voters we’re Birthers.

So the whole “he should have released it early on” thing doesn’t fly.

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Where did I say that Obama was born in Kenya?
I think you’re confused.

You didn’t. You conceded that Obama was born in Hawaii in acknowledging that he was a native son

You have a hell of an imagination there champ.

I’m not the one who believes a long debunked conspiracy theory