Obama’s Super Fake Birth Certificate ten years later: The Aftermath

I’d estimate half is trolling, the other half is comprised of true believers.

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Actually, he did show his birth certificate. Twice. Once on the campaign trail (to selected reporters) and the second time it was a general release of his long form (with certain personal info redacted like his SSN).

How many times does a guy have to show his birth certificate to satisfy you?

Let’s go with…the same number of times Trump has to deny white supremacy…k?

[quote=“floydefisher, post:65, topic:237037, full:true”]
Actually, he did show his birth certificate. Twice. Once on the campaign trail (to selected reporters) and the second time it was a general release of his long form (with certain personal info redacted like his SSN).

How many times does a guy have to show his birth certificate to satisfy you?

The same number of times libs demand that Trump disavow White Nationalists?