Obama admin's FBI spy in Trump campaign

I love watching you guys go after cops unless it’s a black man being shot…then you will defend them tooth and nail…otherwise its abuse…


It’s been over a year, and I still don’t know what “crime” Trump is supposed to have committed.

Maybe none.

Cool…that has nothing to do with what I stated

Or maybe Trump campaign dealings in dark money and questionable contacts warranted a deeper look? For the man looking to take the helm of the most powerful country in the world?

NAH, something, something Hillary, Libs, Derp state…

Bottom line, I have no clue if this investigation is going to bring to light a larger conspiracy against the United States. However I hope that is the case because it wont matter that this investigation is justified.

This admin is going to bring the FBI/DOJ to their knees and set us on a very dangerous path. The fact that there are people cheering for this outcome is sad to say the least.

Valiant effort. But you have to realize that these Trump cultists don’t care about logic. They don’t employ rational trains of thought. They are incapable of understanding reality. Heck, they don’t want to even pretend anymore that they care about law and order. Or about loving their country. Patriotism. None of that matters one iota to them any longer. They are hive-like in their sole instinct, which is to protect Donald Trump. They have shown their minds are so incredibly weak, that they would rather run cover for a man who embodies the seven deadly sins, than allow a lifelong Republican, who is an American Patriot, to simply finish an investigation. Regardless of the outcome.

These people, and the horrible excuse for a human being they slavishly have devoted themselves to, are a genuine cancer on our nation’s soul. One that I am beginning to fear we will never recover from either.

I’ll keep trying to get through to some of the more rational ones that may not have quite gone over the edge yet. And will continue to expose as many of the hypocrites as possible. But know this, every last one of them will be remembered. They have opted to cash in their credibility and their principles here and now. To bend a knee and kiss the ring, of a fake tanned, pretend elite, New York Democrat, conman.


or maybe not even Trump but those that worked in his campaign. we won’t know until the investigation is over but it’s the FBI’s job to follow those types of leads.

Fine. In Democrat terms, that would call for an investigation to find out.

Absolutely correct. Instead of clearing up this mess a little at a time, if Hillary had won we never would have heard that there might be a problem of using our agencies to assure establishment victory, Maybe a few would see it but they would be labeled dangerous kooks…and, of course, be investigated.


Your premise is that the apparatus of the FBI was used to assure establishment victory? I mean this is just downright dishonest

Or you can be outright dishonest to turn your head when you see our goverment employees are abusing their positions to gain favors from certain political party.

So the life long Republican who informed the Republicans at the FBI about things happening in the Republican candidate’s campaign were trying to curry favor with…who?

Stop playing the victim. You’re just like trump. Perpetually snowflaked.


"All this devolves into whether there was a valid basis to do any of this in the first place,” former DOJ official Robert Driscoll said on “America’s Newsroom” Saturday. “If there’s a valid FBI investigation, the use of confidential informants isn’t particularly remarkable, but if there’s not a valid investigation going on, then this could be nefarious.”

Pretty much my position too. If there is an illegal conspiracy going on and Mueller comes up with it, then there was probably a good reason to begin with. If, after all this investigating, collusion turns out to be a chimera, then we need to document the justification of everything that was done and prosecute when necessary.

a similar premise was used in the writing of the constitution and bill of rights.

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So the FBI shouldn’t investigate russian interference in our elections?

I don’t understand - they had evidence that Papa and Page were talking to russians about our elections. They should have…what?

It looks like Halper was part of a conspiracy to set up the Trump campaign to be investigated. He was apparently in on feeding George Papadopoulos information through Joseph Sifud so that it could be extracted by Ambassador Downer, who was also in on the deal.

All they needed was for someone - anyone - in the Trump campaign to REPEAT what they had told him - that the Russians had Clinton emails - and that would justify their starting an investigation, when combined with the Steele dossier.

This thing stinks mightily and the New York Times and others are already trying to find a way to justify what they did.


see post above.

They CREATED a situation that they could claim led to needing an investigation.


No wonder she wrote a book titled “what happened”.

She had help inside and outside. She was supposed to win. A

At this point those look like a string of conjectures tying together what may or may not be related events. But its good enough as many of the other excuses seen around here in the last couple of years to open an investigation. After all, aren’t we told if they are innocent they would want to be investigated?

The justification is probable cause…this is how much of a joke you people have become…you will defend a cops right to look Into something…stop and frisk…but how dare the FBI inquire to see if someone is doing something illegal…

This was no different than you calling into a tip line and the police going to investigate that tip because there may have been a crime…

But since it’s you guys you have to scream how this is something new and never done before in the history of mankind because you have to dumb the population the ■■■■ down with udder stupidity at warp speed.