Nunes lets the cat out of the bag

Going to be interesting to see Paul Ryan’s response.

Their side has a new buzz word…“obstruction”. It means anytime anyone tries to defend themselves.

Regarding that I agree impeaching Rosenstein is a tall order regardless, although I do not think its about what he would like to see, more like what the Republican leadership in the house is willing to do.

As to the other clip yeah House Republicans believe they have to protect Trump against Mueller and that is just wrong.

I think at this point Republicans would be satisfied at finding out why the heck there was ever a Campaign/Russian investigation to begin with. The whole thing is Kafkaesque.

Of course they are.

They’re clearly all about stopping the Mueller investigation in order to protect Trump. That’s why they’re allowing Sessions to fire him. Oh wait. :laughing:

I think at this point its pretty obvious why there was a Campaign/Russian investigation to begin with…

I mean we are on what the 4th restatement of the Trump Tower meeting?

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The “timing” of what, exactly? The nonsense, OOJ blather of impeaching Rosenstein? Excellent defense, for a Trump stunt butt.

People forgot this already.

I’m sure you thought exactly the same when Slick Willy was being impeached.

I’d bring up Nixon but at this point he’s been revised to be a Republican Hero who was Treated Unfairly, so forget it.

And we know everything there is to know about that. Someone contacted, them, not the other…well…no point in rehashing it. That is lame compared to the DNC and their paid for dossier, if you want collusion with Russians.
Actually, if there was all this secret collusion, would some entertainer from Britain be a go between at that point? They would kind of have a channel going by that point.

Yep. Completely out of line from what was already being discussed in the thread.

The timing of the Rosenstein impeachment. Can you people not read?

Did Trump lie before a grand jury and I missed it?

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We know everything there is to know about it? If that was the case the story of the meeting would not keep shifting, bottom line there is legitimate reason for this investigation and the fact that House Republicans believe that they are the ones to protect the President from this investigation is obstruction of justice.

They should let the investigation of an innocent man run its course and prove to the American people that things are above board. Trump would be untouchable after he gets cleared…but that is not what is happening :thinking:

He has? Really?
In any case, you do not want to bring up Nixon. His alleged obstruction was over influencing witnesses or allowing them to lie…traditional and real obstruction. He had his AG fire the special counsel, Cox, and that was never made one of the articles of impeachment that was being prepared because it was recognized that was within his authority.

Yes genio, that’s exactly what I wrote. Can you not read? :slight_smile: The point is, timed nonsense is still nonsense. Right?

What cat is that exactly?

The whole thing is funnyl. Anyone with a brain that weighs at least an ounce knows Nunes has been working tirelessly to run cover for the president. He is simply admitting it on tape. It’s ugly, corrupt and sad- but he won’t feel any consequences from it. The only consequences will be when the Dems take back the House and essentially neuter him…which is only months away.

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Lol you think that fetid impotent flaccid Speaker of the House will have any response


Dear lord bring back Stormy Daniels, that story was so much more sexier than the boring Russia collusion poo foo story. Even far left media companies like the daily beast and Vox are getting sick of it.

Stormy had it all, a hot porn star who had the dirt on Trump and didn’t care to stand up to him. What happened? We’re did she go? The media was all Stormy Daniels for a month then ‘POOF’ no more Stormy :sob: Why!!

What about the Japanese concentration camps on the southern border? The Muslim ban outrage? Anything but Russia, so boring it’s like watching a game of chess played at the park with two old men who just sit and stare at the chess board for hours then all of a sudden two hours in one is about to make a move and then …they back away from the move and the excitement is over then we wait another two hours for the next attempted move.

Literally watching paint dry here guys bring back Stormy!! Anything plZz zZZZzzZ arghhhh