NPR Editor: "In D.C., where NPR is headquartered and many of us live, I found 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans. None."

All news outlets have some bias, since forever…it is the amount of bias that is the difference.
NPR leans left…FOX news leans hard right…

After bias, there is credibility… NPR is far more credible then FOX news.

The absence of facts is also part of the bias…left and right are both guilty of that…although FOX is far worse for that…in my biased opinion. '–)

NPR needs to be unbiased if they are going to take taxpayer money, If they want to be another leftist news organization then they need to be honest about what kind of news organization they are and the federal funds should stop.


NPR has not had any credibility since the 70’s when it started. At least fox admits to what they are. NPR has lied for years and said they represent everyone.

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It’s not possible, all news is biased. Maybe the government shouldn’t be funding any news organizations.

They’ll submit like well-heeled dogs.

After a ton of bitching and moaning.


Just the dimocrat election deniers and conspiracy theorists.

They’re doing a fine job of destroying themselves.


And receive, 39% of its total funding from Gov’t universities etc.?

King George: “I should spend tax-payer dollars to tell the people what to think. They should be my obedient automatons.”

American Patriots: “No it should be exactly the opposite. And this is not a small thing. We should literally take up weapons and kill people to change this.”

Today’s Liberals: “Well the only problem there is that King George had the wrong opinions. Good governments have right opinions so it is okay for them to program the people & tell them what to think.”


It’s human nature. Humans have bias, and that comes through in news reporting, even when reporters try to avoid it. That’s why all news should be consumed with a critical eye.

It’s silly that you attribute this only to liberals. See Marco Rubio’s recent editorial for example. He justifies abandoning a core Republican principle because he thinks he’s smarter than you are. Government industrial policy and intervention is fine, he says, as long as it’s “done right.”

Of course humans have biases, humans also have a inborn tendency for rape violence and theft, those things are still wrong and should not be brushed off

It is especially wrong for a newsroom deliberately to turn themselves into a device to increase such wrong doings and when it is government funded that is ten times worse.
“Oh well everybody lies so government funded a multimillion effort to support one set of lies is A-OK”


I could not agree more. That was a show I watched pretty much every night. I liked the rapport between the two of them, diametrically opposed but it never got nasty or personal.

A show like that is sorely missing from cable news.

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To be fair the federal money they receive supports a lot more than just news operations.

Listen to your local NPR starion outside of the typical Monday-Friday breakfast and evening hours and you will find a plethora of interesting and informative programs.

I know what the local NPR station spews. And even the informative programs push the democrat agenda.

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I’m not brushing it off, I’m pointing out that people should always always always be aware of it when consuming news. NPR, Fox News, all of them.

I disagree that there’s anything inherently wrong with it. Consumer beware. I agree that NPR shouldn’t be funded by the government.

Who are you quoting? Is someone saying that?

They won’t care the typical leftist response will be something like “ya so what”. They really don’t care about media trust being at 20% as long as the message being sent out matches their bubble, there’s np.

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So libs won’t mind if they cut all tax payers funding for NPR.

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Through a left filter. :wink:


Imagine an article about media bias in the last decade bringing up Trump references. Why would that happen? Its almost like Trump was a major area of comment in political articles by the left.

But lets get back to the important thing. Not the article in the OP or the bias of NPR, but the strength of commenting in the OP.

Agree there is nothing shocking about one media outfit being left leaning.
Should conservative’s taxes pay for it?
Should the government have supported Rush Limbaugh with tax money?

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