NPR Editor: "In D.C., where NPR is headquartered and many of us live, I found 87 registered Democrats working in editorial positions and zero Republicans. None."

How many would you say is many? Because i don’t think it’s the majority of and not even close

He broke the Republican Party because they are too spineless to stand up to him in any meaningful way. They cannot lose his base.

Sure. I think the GOP was firmly on the cliff’s edge and Trump gave them the final push.

Note the date of this article…this simply a historical reference…

Views Of NPR’s Credibility Tend To Be Partisan-Based
APRIL 28, 201112:54 PM ET
Alicia C. Shepard

More Democrats than Republicans find NPR’s stories believable, according to research presented by the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, a non-partisan organization that uses data to evaluate media performance.

“NPR and PBS have among the bigger partisan gaps in believability,” said Tom Rosenstiel, the Project’s director. “Thirty seven percent of Democrats say they believe most or all of what they hear on NPR, compared with 29 percent of independents and 16 percent of Republicans. That is a Democrat vs. Republican gap of 21 points, up from two years earlier.”

There is more in the article…

I’ve always assumed they were primarily left politically speaking. I’ve watched many PBS produced specials and they all came from a left perspective. And I always assumed they would because many of the people who produce and develop such program are arts people. And there isn’t that many right learning arts people.

Plus did PBS ever claim they were neutral anyway? I mean they should have some right wingers on their news programs. But I don’t think they ever sold themselves as balanced.

Not a concern for me. I always enjoyed their specials. Not their news reporting.

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It’s done by having both viewpoints shared.

It’s why I enjoyed Hannity and Colmes so much back in the day. You got the right wing perspective from Sean and Alan gave the left wing perspective. I quit watching after Alan left and then he tragically passed away.

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Maybe because conservatives could see the bias. While those on the left said nothing to see here and tried to paint NPR as not being biased. I have known NPR is biased for many years. They have pushed climate change since the 70’s.


Well of course he did. He’s a bull in a China cabinet. A populist. They always destroy everything they touch because they run and feed on emotion, not logic.

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What stands out with about NPR, when they take on a topic with the many shows that are produced, they are not always politics, and they spend an hour discussing with experts in the field…

When the topic is political, they almost always have 2-3 guests, from different perspectives. And then they debate, there is no yelling over the other person, it is respectful debate, with everyone getting a chance to voice their opinion.

I am referring to shows like “On Point” “All Things Considered” “Here and Now” “Marketplace”

I am in the car a lot with my job, so that is usually my go to channel, when I am not listening to a book or music.

The GOP can’t win with unpopular conservative positions. They used to be able to cobble together enough small blocks - fiscal cons, anti-choice evangelicals, the talk radio crowd, the war hawks, etc…

But those blocks are each getting smaller for a variety of reasons.

Along comes trump who identified a new block…

What choice does the GOP have but to latch their wagon to the Trump train?

That’s kinda of what I mean. His base was there all along, they just never had anyone to represent them. I don’t think these are new people. A lot of them voted for Bush but held there nose doing it.

Is news ‘viewpoints’?

Or is news ‘facts’?

I wouldn’t say it’s so much “reporting bias” as it is programing and story choice. Like all media outlets, they program based on audience preference. Their reporting is left leaning, but only marginal when compared to purely biased outlets.

NPR can be as slanted left as they wish, but taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for it.


I agree. But … in the age of MAGA, how do you fairly and accurately present the MAGA viewpoint?

NPR should have no bias at all. If it is a leftist news organization is needs to be called what it really is DPR.


News is facts. But the reaction to such news always has a bias.

I guess out a MAGA shill on the stage to react. Since MAGAISM has replaced sensible republicanism.

All news sources have bias.

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News is facts told through the lens of biased humans.


I think people completely misunderstand his base. It is not as homogenous as many think

Bernie bros voted for him en masse and now make up his base.

But yes they cannot lose his base. That i agree with