Now Trump Wants Biden to Take a Drug Test

I don’t actually agree with this, but if I were fine with it I think you’re choosing the wrong area to focus on drug tests. Athletes are private employees. Their companies can choose about drug tests. ■■■■ em. Don’t care if they take drugs or don’t since its just entertainment. Don’t care it actors take drugs. Don’t care if musicians take drugs. So that’s different than the president.

I don’t think presidents need to take drug tests because I’m not willing to say I want all public employees taking drug tests. Any idea of what percentage of congress fails that tomorrow? But I don’t care about them. I can’t justify random drug tests for anyone and not have it go top to bottom. Feds want drug tests, then EVERYONE!!! And I don’t agree with that. We’re gonna get how many million positive tests? It’s ridiculous. Especially not while marijuana is still illegal.

The President of the United States is the wrong area to focus on drug tests?

I’d just say the President needs to be able to make decisions for the nation clean and sober.

So daily, weekly tests?

Why not?

Trump isn’t even a good case study. He is too on type. The guy only knows one move: project his weaknesses, fears, compromises, sins, corruptions, failures, missteps and doubts onto the people he knows are more disciplined, better, stronger, more versatile, more agile, and more competent than him.

Kaepernick, Obama, Lebron, you get the picture.


I was actually thinking the same thing numerous rumors that trumps been on amphetamines for a long time swirling the Internet. Supposedly the man’s never took a drink in his life, of course who knows if he’s lying or not with the amount of lies he says.

His fondness for cocaine in 80s and 90s was no big secret, I can tell you that.

Do some lines with Donny, did ya?

Trump would fail both of those tests.

Better would be mandatory daily drug tests and random drug testing regime also.

Olympic athletes are subject to random testing at all times. Would you advocate that all members of the WH administration, including the president and vice-president and all secretaries, all members of the House of Reps and Senate be subject to the same drug testing regime? Should they all be subject to random alcohol testing when performing their official duties as well?

Drug tests as a condition for employment on a regular basis and also annual mental health evaluations would be good. I think anyone getting paid by our government should. Especially those in national security positions.

Whose fondness for cocaine, Mr Lucchese?

Projection is indeed Trump’s mutant power.

Still not a good enough reason to switch to socialism.

Is Biden promising social security and Medicare?

Are you quizzing me or do you not know Biden’s agenda. If it’s the later, you’re not alone.

What’s Bunker Biden’s mutant power. Dodging questions? :grin:

You keep repeating the same thing over and over again. Socialism.

Both SS and Medicare are forms of socialism. Do you not like that?

I know what what Biden’s platform is.

Yep, the democratic party has never been farther left than it is now.