Now Trump Wants Biden to Take a Drug Test

It’s not, but as long as AM radio keeps repeating it daily, some will continue to believe it.

That’s the problem with y’all. You’re greedy. You want it all. A.M radio, TV news, Hollywood, Social media, colleges. Everything. No dissenting voices allowed. A bunch of little wanna be tyrants.

How about this? Instead of whining about A.M radio, why don’t you do your own A.M. radio opposing view? Who’s stopping you? Quit crying and do something. :man_shrugging:

Don’t need AM radio to repeat the same lies 24/7. Don’t need AM radio to do our thinking.

Plus libs tried radio and no one listened.

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I’m pretty sure Byedon would not get confused and respond to the wrong post.

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Because they were working during the day, unlike the retirees who listen to Rush.

Back to Drug Tests, I think Nancy Piglosi should have a drug test and a COVID-19 test for getting a wash and blowdry in a San Francisco Hair Salon.

Might consider giving her a mental health evaluation, too.

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