Now that's funny! CNN wants an apology

Just so I’m clear; ■■■■ CNN


Ahh. Wolf. That doesn’t mean CNN is demanding an apology.

Hannity or Tucker demanding an apology from a politician would not be Fox demanding an apology either.

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He’s just trying to do his job, there’s no reason to insult the guy.

Then you’re in the wrong thread. CNN is the topic.

Do you favor CNN’s attempt to have the Babylon Bee booted off of Facebook? Should CNN be trying to bully social media?

I believe the name of the CNN’s journalist is Manu Raju. He is CNN’s senior congressional correspondent.

Try watching their news programming sometime.

I. Don’t. Give. Much. Attention. To. CNN.

Why do you?

Calling him a “liberal hack” isn’t an insult, it’s simply factual.

Like what?

I understand that, due to the request from Blitzer, McSally has thoroughly apologized and promised never to say anything like that about a reporter again.
In more news, Trump has stated that he regrets ever having called anyone “little” and apologized to them and to anyone who actually is diminutive in size in case they are offended.
Schiff has apologized for mocking Trump and making up an alleged conversation by Trump that never actually occurred.

Oh…wait…my mistake.

say isn wolf next in line to be selling green lipped mussel poop on late night infomercials?

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I’ve been waiting on that answer for quite a while too.

Yes, Wolf. He’s the top of the food chain. The only one who out ranks him is Zuck.

Fox News is slanted to the right, not as much as CNN is to the left.


You could make the same argument about any network’s news reporting. CNN and Fox are opposite sides of the same coin.

Then why are you in a thread discussing CNN?

Do you favor CNN’s attempt to have the Babylon Bee booted off of Facebook? Should CNN be trying to bully social media?

Several of their stars are never Trumpers. Chris Wallace and Judge Napolitano come to mind.


Trump is not the right.

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Who is the right? Do you have two or three good examples?

CNN is the enamy, why else would they not support the American people President.