Now that's funny! CNN wants an apology

Yes and our beloved, gracious and highly esteemed host is a good example. :sunglasses:

Fox news is not asking for an apology.

Seems like some people’s feeling are hurt when it comes to a media oitlet no one watches. :rofl:

What is the name of the CNN reporter you are referring to?

Good point.

She ducked a legit question. But that’s her privilege. CNN is silly asking for an apology. If they had any sense or good humor they’d replay the exchange on a loop. :rofl:

They can still be dangerous. Do you favor their attempt to have the Babylon Bee booted off of Facebook? Should CNN be trying to bully social media?

An absolutely laughable assertion with no basis in fact.

Not even close. Fox gives you the news from both sides.

It’s completely factual. If there’s a partisan slant to any story it will be presented by people from both sides on all of their news programming and in most of their opinion programming as well.

They also never try to convince us that opinion programming is anything but.

Fox news has never tried to shut anybody down.

Do you favor CNN’s attempt to have the Babylon Bee booted off of Facebook? Should CNN be trying to bully social media?

By the way what was the gender of the CNN reporter?

The video is available. You can see for yourself if you think it’s important.

Do you favor CNN’s attempt to have the Babylon Bee booted off of Facebook? Should CNN be trying to bully social media?

There’s no link here, so I’m not buying that “CNN is demanding an apology”.

She ducked the same question when Laura Ingraham asked it.

I don’t pay much attention to CNN. Do you?

What nonsense.

Yeah, Obama and Holder were only threatening to jail a Fox News reporter…

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Completely disinterested in the alleged attempt.