Now that's funny! CNN wants an apology

Do you favor CNN’s attempt to have the Babylon Bee booted off of Facebook? Should CNN be trying to bully social media?

Don’t know who that is, but anything CNN want is not good for America or the people.

They are hysterical. You should check them out. Many of their jokes are aimed at CNN. So CNN want’s them gone.


This thread is full of the people and comments one would expect.

McSally was given this job, hopefully when Arizona voters get to decide for themselves who they want they send her home.

In your McDreams!

I bet this was typed with a straight face too.


Yes, it’s so unlikely that a person who lost her last election for Senate, is running against a fairly popular democratic candidate, and doesn’t have a high approval would lose.

McSally didn’t win the first time she ran for Senator here. She lost to Sinema, and then our Governor appointed her to McCain’s Senate seat.

What if someone called you a partisan hack and said it wasn’t an insult but simply factual?

I bet you’d take it as an insult.

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You do know that she will probably be debating someone who will recommend opening the borders between Meh-he-co and Arizona. Right?

Of course she ducked it. Why are you trying to give her a pass for that?

“Mark believes that any system starts with strong border security; this includes more investments in technology, well staffed ports of entry and border patrol agents on the border, and, where effective, physical barriers and fencing.“

So he probably won’t be debating for open borders.

I voted for Sinema over McSally last election. I am undecided who I will vote for Senator this coming election.

The problem is the right doesn’t get the votes because people fear us.

The “right” would have slashed goverment in half, the right would get goverment out of education, abortion, slash laws and regulations, disband ATF and many other alphabet agencies, reduces spending etc. I could go on and on.

Other then cutting “some” regulations Trump hasn’t done any of them.

Yeah no. An emcee of a reality TV news program is not “CNN demanding an apology”. You should edit the title of the thread to “Wolf Blitzer …”.

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I’m an independent conservative so it wouldn’t be accurate.

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No you can’t.

See that’s just the thing. Trump has ushered in the age of say what you want and never apologize for it.

It happens here all the time. People say the most horrible regretful things and never apologize. Why would CNN be any different?

Do you mean she wasn’t elected by getting more votes than her opponent?

If the OP is going to be corrected; maybe check that the right gender is used for the journalist as well.