Nothing to see here folks. I am sure they are bluffing (Taiwan)

Good post.


Is there any way to convince the electorate that this transition doesn’t necessarily lower their standard of living?

It doesn’t matter what the electorate can be convinced of as long as we keep recycling people who believe in the old order as our choices to be in power.

One thing I always gave Trump some credit for…I think he instinctively knew the old order was dead. That doesn’t mean I liked how he wanted to handle the transition (to the degree I can judge) but if we can find someone with that bit of vision without all Trump’s baggage, and if he can get past the establishment, I’m all on board.

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Not when their standard of living continues to decline.

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It’s not Anti American to recognize it, it’s Anti American to cheer it on and work for its demise.

Precisely the opposite

Military and economic hegemony is unsustainable.

To root for it to continue is to root against American interests.

If we don’t work to transition away from it…it will be done for us. We won’t like how that happens.

I was reading that China has been buying up our farmland. China also owns more residential real estate than any other foreign country at 25% of total foreign investment.

“You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy,” Klaus Schwab

Somebody’s got to be the big dog. Teddy Roosevelt said speak softly and carry a big stick. The problem is people who don’t believe that their truly are evil people in the world who would simply take that big stick away and beat us to death with it, and we would like that far less. Seriously, how many dictators have to arise in the world to get people to understand the truth of this?

It is not arrogance, as Obama apologized for, to recognize our position of strength and leadership in the world.

If that ever becomes a big enough problem to hurt domestic supplies, there are political solutions.

The government announced a two-year ban on foreign home buying as well as higher taxes for people who sell their home within a year, though both measures include multiple exceptions including for permanent residents and foreign students.

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By not lowering their standard of living.

To contribute to it before it’s ready is immiseration.


The immiseration happens by holding on too long.

Is it that simple if Iran starts acting up? Can the electorate watch them clown around their neighborhood without getting itchy for war?

Orrrr, by burying it too soon.

Iran has nothing to do with us.

We are returning to a pre World War I world.

Policy makers would be wise to study that period heavily so we don’t make the same mistakes they did and destroy an entire generation in the process.

Yeah, but it’s not like you have to sail all around the southern end of a large continent to bypass the Malacca Strait.