North Korean Nuclear Program

They didn’t dispose of any of their facilities with the exception of the plutonium reactor when in fact they had already switched to uranium for their fissile material.

What’s been done so far has been verified by satellite photography.

Not according to our own intelligence people.

On August 14, the U.S. intelligence community denied Elleman’s finding that North Korea could not have produced on its own the liquid-propellant rocket engines used in recent ICBM tests.

“We have intelligence to suggest that North Korea is not reliant on imports of engines,” one U.S. intelligence official told Reuters. “Instead, we judge they have the ability to produce the engines themselves.”

Even if they somehow got the plans from outside the country they haven’t got the experience in producing them to do so with any consistency or the money to develop a serious large scale program without starving the country to death.

oh…real shock here

This is a surprise to whom exactly? Nobody expected them to scrap their entire program in six months.

you dont understand sarcasm huh?

I understand sarcasm just fine, you however don’t seem to understand plain English.

Let me repeat.

Read it slowly and think hard before replying.

nope i guess you dont…

One last time. Nobody thought they would be scrapping their entire program immediately.

Do you “get it” yet?

i see you still dont.

That’s what I expected, thanks for playing.

you didnt expect anything…Just your typical response when you dont get your way. now make some excuse…by stating no excuses here…

I got exactly what I expected from you. You’re as predictable as a busted clock.

lol, no. Their last missile test would have easily reached Washington D.C had it been fired at a normal trajectory instead of going so high to keep it close to Japan.

Estimated range on their current ICBM is 8,100 miles, enough to land anywhere in the US mainland.

US intel assesses that if the Norks don’t fire them into such a high trajectory, the RV will probably survive. High trajectory means a lot more stress.

It’s over, they won.

The missile never traveled far enough to reach another continent. There’s a hell of a lot more involved than just hitting a given altitude.

As for your last, no, that isn’t at all true. The friction is the same given the same angle of reentry.

Yes, there is. And the Norks demonstrated it. 8,100 miles, according to virtually every rocket scientist who looked at the launch.

The only quibble is over the re-entry vehicle and their current state of miniaturisation, and US intel already thinks they’ve cracked both.

Please cite your source for the bolded.

More unnamed sources. Thanks.


McMaster is going nowhere. And neither is Sarah!