John Bolton: N.Korea has not taken effective steps to denuclearize

Shocked…shocked I tell you…

Nothing a second summit can’t fix.

Then onto Iran!

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Trump is amazing

Lol@ trump standing there impotently holding the door open for NK. Meanwhile, NK parties on, same as always.

And some of us knew all along that it would be nothing but hollow promises.

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the hell you say.

Open the door and hope they step through.

Art of the deal people… Art of the deal.

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But he didn’t bow tho.

Time to invade!
What’s a few million lives?
He LIED to Trump.
A price must be paid.
Of course President Bone Spurs will conduct the battle from the 9th hole.


Trump is cool

Haven’t heard that one lately.

No-one knew that the situation with N.Korea could be so complicated.

I guess the thin skinned left would give up now and send NK billions with an apology note. LMAO!

Good point…

THE TDS is amazing… It took O’ Flexible over 4 years to stop putting missile defense in Poland for Putin…

These things take time…lol!

As a conservative…The difference in diplomacy then and diplomacy now is simply this. BT (Before Trump) conservatives would have been watching the airports for the plane carrying the cash to Kim Ding Dong.

AT (After Trump) conservatives watch the clock. The doomsday clock is ticking for Kim Ding Dong.

BT, worry and nausea. AT firm resolve. The hand of peace was proffered as it should have been. But that was only the one hand.

These things conservatives know and are well pleased with.

8 years ago, offering the hand of peace was considered a sign of weakness.

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8 years ago offering the hand of peace —and a planeload of cash— was considered weakness. That was the “worry and nausea” thing I mentioned in my epistle.