North Korea issued $2 million bill for comatose Otto Warmbier’s care

What if obama had done it.

The trumpites here would lose their ■■■■

Put good old Donnie gets a pass.


If this was done, this was a Washington Post, the Democratic paper of record, that has gotten many things wrong, this was a wrong thing to do. I condemn this and won’t rationalize this.

Now, $2 million as opposed to $400 million hostage money in the middle of the night, it is not even close. Plus Obama sent $150 billion to Iran so they could speed up their terror, so this is no comparison, and all the liberals condemning $2 million but no condemning of Obama. but it is still bad, if this was done.

Deflector shields up!!

And the CEC would have pilloried him over it. I remember when talking to NK was weak and pandering to dictitators. Sad!

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NK presented a bill and paid the ransom.

It happened, deal with the reality of the situation.


NK is a sworn enemy. they would NOT get a dime if I was President.

But trump the appeaser…


I can only assume Cratic would have felt it was a sign of weakness had Clinton or Obama paid the bill. I look forward to the crazy justification for Trump to have paid the bill. More likely, it will be silence.

The responses have been weak so far from the Trumpites.

Maybe they understand now what a spineless jellyfish we have s President.

or the reality is that are waiting for their marching orders from CEC.


Unless he was a traitor like Bergdahl, obama would paid then.

So much wrong i feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony. Where do I start?

So I take it you condemned the $400 million cash on the airplane thing for hostages for Iran, 200 times this. Not even close to the amount. I will condemn this, do you condemn this with 200 times the amount since it is confirmed he gave $400 million?

And I get that Trump is hypocritical here, and condemn this, but do you bring yourself to condemn this much worse thing. If not, there is absolutely no reason for you to jump for joy over this thing.

Matt been watching too much Fox.

“If the ransom was paid to kim” like there is a chance it didnt happen

and then he compares a treaty the US entered into Iran with ransom paid to Kim.

Hint: @matt1618 read the Iran-US treaty. Its an eye opener…


Iran is not a sworn enemy of the United States? Iran is spreading terror throughout the world and has killed American troops in Iraq.

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The sham of the treaty where US inspectors not allowed, you have to give 24 hours notice and Military facilities were off limit to any inspection? And then after so many years, even if they supposedly abide by a thing that can’t be verified, they can continue? You know the one where every single president, had its goal the elimination of nuclear weapons, and Obama did away with that goal? You mean that one?

the difference being we had a treaty with Iran and the payments made were negotiated with Iran

there was no such treaty in place with NK.

sorry a swing and a miss on your part.

are you willing to try again.


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Trump, who has a ringing endorsement from a “CHEIF Hostage Negotiator”, has said on Twitter he didn’t pay.

However, the mere existence of the invoice shows that Kim did indeed know of Warmbier’s plight, and either Trump was fooled by an opposing leader yet again or he was lying to cover for him.

Either case doesn’t make the World’s Best Hostage Negotiator™ look good.


You didnt like the treaty that was negotiated, we get that.

The United States however lived up to their part in the treaty and returned money that the US was withholding from Iran.

its not that hard to understand.


No. Obama didn’t pay, he kept to the US stand of not paying $ for hostages. It used to be a principled stand the US had until Trump.

You guys need to give Trump the credit he deserves…

PS… Does anyone know who the “Cheif Hostage Negotiator, USA” that Trump quotes in his tweet? Sounds like a cool job…

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Obama did worst traded traitors for a traitor. Not to mention the lives lost trying to find the traitor.

Did we, the taxpayers, pay for that $400M?