No accident in Iowa

That’s true. Obama was incompetent and destroyed the DNC. Handing control to the Republicans in 2010. They’ve had control this whole decade.

It’s the reason I no longer vote republican. They didn’t need my vote so I got to see their true colors.

“Jewish bernie”
bRuH :joy::joy::skull:

How do we address the First (person?) in the White House?

They really pulled a good GAG on the Bern this time. :rofl:


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And someone made lots of money off the failed app… Check out this article…

So much greed over inthe dem party, while pretending to be “progressive”

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Greed is bad now?

Not in a free market. But dems are top down. Someone got rich selling them crap. It’s like the entire state of Cal govt

Sounds like capitalism to me. :us:

Like Trump Steaks or Trump University?

Good one! You know who didn’t commit suicide?

No,it’s socailsim as the had no choice. No free market…

What are you talking about?

Who had “no choice”?

It’s probably british owned.

Like a 12 step program…

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I give up.

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Rhymes with Epstein


I’ve kinda forgotten since I haven’t seen a mention in awhile! :rofl:

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What do you mean they had no choice? The Democratic party of Iowa was forced to use that app? By whom?

The state party on using the APP…

The Democratic Party of Iowa forced themselves to use this app, and that’s how you define socialism? :smile: