No accident in Iowa

You should get your news from somewhere else… It’s not keeping up.

You don’t know where I get my news. What are you talking about?

Just like Libya… Which connected dem got rich …

Same people who lied about collusions for 3 years +

Who “forced” them to use the app?

Iowa Democrats blame Iowa Democrats for their problems? :smile: That sounds about right.

Iowa Democrats! Socialism!!!?!

App made by Clinton campaign veterans’ firm is behind Iowa caucuses debacle

App made by Clinton campaign veterans' firm is behind Iowa caucuses debacle

I wonder who else owns part of that company

And “Clinton campaign veterans’ firm” forced Iowa democrats to use this app? You said it was socialism, so I assumed the state of Iowa owned the app and forced the state Democratic Party to use it. But now you say that’s not true. It’s almost like you don’t know what socialism means or intentionally misuse the word.


“The app grew out of a broader push by Democrats, backed by tens of millions of dollars in donor money, to match the Republicans’ prowess in digital advertising and organizing after the 2016 election.”

Why did they use it?

"Given less than two months to build an app for reporting caucus results to the Iowa Democratic Party, Shadow produced technology that proved difficult to download and use and ended up delivering incorrect tallies.?


" Democrats’ first contest of the 2020 election into a chaotic display, starting with Shadow, and its main backer, Acronym, a progressive nonprofit that is focused on helping Democrats regain their digital edge."

" David Plouffe, the well-connected former Obama campaign manager, joined Acronym’s board. Its founder, Tara McGowan, a former journalist, was the subject of glowing profiles, one of which called her “the Democrats’ Most Dangerous Digital Strategist.”

All of this did not just happen in IOWA but in the entire party apparatus…

And yet, still no one was “forced” to do anything.

So you’re still swinging in the breeze. Got anything else?

Yes, But in this case the state is the DNC.

The DNC didn’t “force” anyone to use the app either.

Clinging to those Deepstate traitors why?


So not socialism at all. Got it.

the gorgeous and very intelligent Melania

Yes! The most beautiful First Lady ever, and maybe the nicest.


Then why did they use a clinton connected app that didn’t work?.. Oh, so connected dems can make money…That’s why!.. Which is probably the same reason they bombed libya into chaos…

No doubt. And yet, still - no one was “forced” to do anything.

Let’s not forget what we’re talking about.