Nikki Haley: now and then

I’m waiting for Candace Owens to run for Congress. That will be her first, giant step. :sunglasses:

One gender reveal party caused more dollar damage than all of that combined.

Meanwhile, the President hatched a plot to try and seize power and it’s all “pEACuL PrOtesT hurr durr”

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Yep the Republican unspoken motto used to be Party above Country now it’s Trump before Party and Country. Break with him and your career is done.

Yeah…yeah…I knoooow rite…and all without guns too. :thinking:

keep regurgibleating lib nonsense.


Lol there were plenty of pipe bombs pre positioned, lots of firearms there. Go watch some videos.

The truth stings. I understand

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Based on King Joey from Scranton’s ( or his handlers) work the past three weeks, “unity” isn’t intended at all. To your point, it’s apparent the “winnahs” agenda is to dismantle everything from the previous administration wether benefiting the country or not. Thank God the J’Biden regime aren’t the Ottomans!

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If Kristi Noem has a chance at the nomination I just may change party affiliations to vote for her in the primary.

The catvideos aren’t taking about that so it obviously didn’t happen

Your fever dream doesn’t sting me at all.

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I would be a bit concerned about a lack of foreign policy experience.

I would probably vote for her.

Oh…my gosh! Really? Who placed them there? How many knew this so that it had some impact on what we’re discussing?

When you have nothing of value to add, this is the perfect response. :sunglasses:

They will

That is not true

Foreign policy experience isn’t a great need in a president IMO, as long as the Sec of State has it and the president actually listens.

There is a lot of danger there. It’s not a deal breaker for me. Just a concern.

Correct…she just asked everyone to contribute to it. That’s the lib way…spend other peoples’ money to accomplish what libs want. Then they look back and consider themselves generous. :sunglasses:


In the end, most of y’all will vote for who Trump tells you to vote for, who are you kidding.