Nike Sales Surge 31% after putting Kapernick in their ads!

That bit shows how being white can be helpful…

Being white gets you nothing. Ever been to West Virginia?

Your comparing sports to real life…
In sports winners get excused…
that’s why there are a lot of NFL with “allegations” that are playing because of their worth…
Trust me, if Kaepernick won the Superbowl against the Ravens there wouldn’t be an issue with him kneeling…
Hell, if he won the Superbowl the next year he’d be allowed to stick his middle finger up at the national anthem…
3rd Superbowl…a dump on the 50 yard line and he would be able to use the flag to wipe…:rofl::joy::rofl:

You ever travel down south on I95 and stop somewhere in North Carolina to get gas and realize you’re the only black person…and everyone else has a confederate flag decal on there car or shirt…kind of makes the hairs on the back of your neck tingle a bit…

One interpretation of the headline in that article would be most police use of force is justifiable. I doubt that was the thrust of the article itself, but I am sure they have a particular axe to grind.

did you read it?

Do you mean this NAACP?

Enough to see that they have their axe to grind.

Yup. Last week. A vey friendly group of people.

Saw that too.

so we agree to disagree…

you left out being black…

Dude…thank God for body cams…it could go either way…

Just think if there wasn’t a body cam…

Williams didn’t win.

Did you see what happened to Moonves yesterday? His privilege got revoked.

As much to your chagrin, I’m pro-police…but anti-bad police…
Too much bad policing lately …perhaps with an influx of white supremacist in the ranks…

Although these right-wing extremists have posed a growing threat for years, federal investigators have been reluctant to publicly address that threat or to point out the movement’s longstanding strategy of infiltrating the law enforcement community.

To much time and money chasing after extreme Islamic terrorist…

Poverty knows no color or geography.

Things are tough for everyone.

You can whine about it, or do something positive and productive, Choice is yours.

Keep in mind those assumptions you have are probably wrong.

she didn’t but is a winner and the best at her sport…
Moonves…he got caught in the #Metoo movement…no one is safe anymore…

Not enough time and resources if you ask me.

WAS the best at her sport. Now she is seen as a bully.

Timothy McVeigh was the Osama Bin Laden of the 90s…
there should have been more resources…

Yup. Because later that mother ■■■■■■ made a false racism claim about that stop.