Newflash: Trump's a racist crybaby!

It means she panders to indian audiences when she deems it necessary.

Explain your “Apollo hook” lie.

Nah I’m good

You have such a good record with these predictions. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Yeah, we’ll let your LIE stand.

What else is new with you?

Actualy he put them in their place. Both of them.
Low class beeeches, they have no basic curtesy and respect training that parents give to their children.
Two hysterical excuses for a journalist …two low-lifes that make our lifes ugly.
If there IS systemic racism in America this is why it will never die.
Maybe it was this kind of behaviour that started it all in the first place.
I think Trump handled it beautifuly.


What’s rude about asking him to explain his past comments and actions?

He also left early.

What is low class about asking him about his past statements?

Is being a rude black journalist also not a “black job”?

Just because you don’t like the questions doesn’t make them rude. Perpetual victimhood is not a good look.


Black votes? You’re asking about black votes?
Is a black vote a commodity of some kind, or a carrot one dangles before Trump’s eyes?
Biden BYES those votes from folks who can’t see how they’re being USED for decades.
If those black votes don’t see for them self WHO gave them a better life then fine, I’d never want Trump to BUY those votes with bribes.
Let them choose. They’ll make their own bed.

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they actually
thought Kamala was indian.

now that is weird.


Do you think immigrants are sneaking through the border to take jobs away from Black Journalists?

they are after trump. black jobs questions not allowed.


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Why would anyone touch someone else’s water bottle and do anything with it?

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How were they rude?

i hear is doing DEI hires.


And join a prominent Black Sorority! Little did THEY know that she wasn’t Black! Thank God Trump, that lovable slueth, cracked the code! And she would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for that darned Trump!


You do realize “Indian” is not a race, yes?

Being a gentleman. But after seeing another comment here. He probably thought it was his at first.