Newflash: Trump's a racist crybaby!

And she went in the 80s, so she was basically Jasmine Guy in the show A Different World.

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still awaiting the results of the Hawaiian birth certificate investigation.


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You do understand that you can be both black and Indian, right?

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There are hard questions and then… there are insults, disrespect and trailer-trash behaviour, my dear, from the HOSTS who HE didn’t have to honor by his presence.

I am glad he DID because it shows us what those poor excuses for Journalists they are.

Two hysterical low class women and a handfull of same kind of screamers in the audience…people who don’t have the basic respect and grace to show to someone who CAME to talk to them and honor THEM with his presence… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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How is asking someone to explain their past comments and actions disrespectful?

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It’s weird how people feel compelled to defend him on this.

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Barrys b.c. is locked up tight. We cant even get the epstein black book opened or the rest of jfk files opened.

Illegal aliens are coming to steal the jobs of black lawyers and black journalists and black engineers and black computer scientists and black businesspeople?

Funny how this second part of Trump’s statement when talking about “black jobs” is always left off by MAGAs and others when they attempt to spin Trump’s “black jobs” comments…

I suppose that is plausible, but he had a water bottle right next to him, he had to reach for the other one. It looks like he just reached for it and tightened it and put it right back down. Now, I have no idea what that would do, you can only tighten a cap so much so I doubt it was difficult to still open, but it looked…


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everyone should know that water is served on the right.

he intentionally reached over to his left.


Kind of looked like her too, to be honest.

The diehards will defend anything. But when folks at FoxNews are calling this a cluster ■■■■ you need to sit this one out and take the L. So that means they’ll double down and continue to question her blackness and look like total weirdos.

Oh, what did Fox say?

I can’t believe they didn’t take the ‘they were rude questions’ tact too…

Trump doesn’t play their piece of ■■■■ race card game from that nasty person with the hideous voice and now he’s a racist crybaby.

Gotta love that unhealthy mental addiction. :rofl:


He is losing the Hoteps? Oh boy… that is very bad.

Yes…he came to talk to black audience and yes those were jobs taken from those people in the audience, and yes, those are black folks there.
They are black folks. They have a black history and black tradition, black customs and black churches and black caucuses and organisations, and black hair styles, black musik, food, fasshion, neighborhoods …
black this and black that, some are exclusive, :roll_eyes:, try that with whites,…
all over the place, black President and a black VP, judges, sports icons, movie stars…
[BTW is Kamala STILL black or did that change?]…

So yes, there are also black jobs.
Are you ashamed of black jobs?
Trump is talking to black folks and says Illegals are taking your black jobs.
If he were in a Uni and talked to students he’d say they are taking away student jobs. Teacher’s Unions…teacher jobs.

What are “Black Jobs”?

Oh. Maybe I’m thinking of Jessica Tarlov. Lol. Seems like the rest of them are on bended knee trying to deflect.

When hate has no intelligence, out comes the word, “racist”. You’re a Brandonite. How many years did you swallow “Russian collusion”? You’re being fed what the shepherds want regurgibleated and this very thread proves…in your world…they’re winning.

Now say it, “orange man baaa, baaa, baaad”. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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As we’ve come to learn, the clear majority of these air heads with the irrational orange hatred are perpetually single losers with no social life.

At least their cats love them though (for the food). :rofl: