Newflash: Trump's a racist crybaby!

the issue of controlling behavior.

everything is fair in love and politics.


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Yes, he was transparent. He’s transparent of a racist.

How could anyone, in good conscience, vote for this jerk.


It looks like he loosened it

I don’t even know what you’re trying to imply.

I saw trump take a drink from a water bottle and replace the lid. He used the water bottle to his left, instead of his right, but his chair was pointed left, as all 3 questioners were to his left.

All of his attention was focused to his his left, so he grabbed that water.

You’d have to be stupid to read anything else into it.

everything a politicain says or does is fair game.


Keep being stupid.

You wear it well.

Tell us more about trump’s posturing with the water bottle.

Should there be an inquest??

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Controlling…You nailed it.


Lefties are reporting Trump tirade. That didn’t happen.

Harris ran away from the press…coward.

It is what it is.

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No danger of a change now.

They wear it tighter than skin no matter what shade it is.


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Thank you so much, whoever thought it was a good idea to put Trump on that stage yesterday. His own staff gave him the Apollo Theater hook off-stage.

I also highly recommend continuing the Kamala isn’t black thing. Or she only recently became black, the AKA sister who went to Howard.


its not stupid, its american political reality.

just like you posting its going to be a landslide for trump EVERYTIME.


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Let’s be honest. Trump could shoot someone on 5th avenue and you come here praising what a great shot it was.

Trump bombed epically. It alienated a whole voting demographic. Any gains he made with black voters were wiped out in 30 minutes of stupity on display.


Explain your take on “His own staff gave him the Apollo Theater hook off-stage.”

I call that a LIE.

The reporters told him they were done. No more questions. And trump said he thought they were gonna keep going.

There is video of kamala harris on some kind of cooking show calling herself “indian”.

Identity politics are a bitch.

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I disagree.

The proper attack would have been the virus spending in 2020.

The race thing is worn out. The economy is still quite painful, especially housing (more immigrants??)

If Trump out campaigns Harris…like he did yesterday…he wins.

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trump is going to win by a GIGANTIC MASSIVE LANDSLIDE that will make what happens in 3rd world countries look legit.

I was just ahead of my time in 2020.

See this is why you guys are weird.


Even the hoteps are backtracking on Trump after that. Who thought that was a good idea to put him on that stage.

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Nothing. I’m shocked.

Fraud!! You’re such a poser.

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Harris is Indian…Asian…Jamaican. Her dad is a communist professor of economics.

The rest is a distraction.

Good luck with that.



Kamala Harris was an Alpha Kappa Alpha sister at Howard. Do you understand what that means.

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She is the product of a university bubble and will never relate to working class Americans.