New York City primary just accidentally counted 135000 test votes

Y’all need to do better.

actually, putting the quote marks around “find” is pretty textbook gaslighting meant to emphasize out of context and falsely change its meaning to “find—wink, wink, nudge, nudge”


“This store looks mighty flammable. It would be a real shame if there was a fire” <> a threat

Trump chose the word.

Logically, it should be shown to be a problem first, right? Should I have grave concerns about problems that don’t exist? I’d be happy to care deeply if it were shown to be a problem.

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have you noticed this strawman applies equally to democrats?

Except that Democrats, as a general rule, haven’t tried to overthrow any Presidential elections based on unsupported claims of voter fraud.

So, no. It doesn’t.


yes he did. find, not “find, wink wink, nudge, nudge” find, as in they’re there if you look. not make them be there.

As I told Doug, you are welcome to give Trump the benefit of doubt, and believe that his remarks were entirely innocent and innocuous.

But we (the rest of the world) are under no obligation to follow suit.


Just when did us who live in the rest of the world elect you to speak for us?
Maybe you need to just speak for yourself because I know democrats and conservatives who believe that there was cheating in the last election as well as past elections.

kinda hard to prove voter fraud if you insist it didn’t happen and refuse to look. investigating for fraud would not overturn an election, it would stop one from being overturned by fraud or (more likely) reaffirm the outcome.

Oops, no big (D)eal.


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true, you are free to make any word mean anything you want it to, but that doesn’t mean it does.

Of course. And when some guys show up at your business, and ask for a small donation to ensure the peace of the neighborhood while remarking on what a shame it would be if something happened to your business - they could just be taking a up a collection for charity, and conveying their empathy.

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People are allowed to believe in Santa Claus, if they want to.

But that does not obligate anyone to prove that Santa doesn’t exist. It’s ok - you can keep on believing.

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I’m beginning to think these outcomes are predetermined and the voters need to get with the program.

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Right, which exactly what Trump was asking for: you need to “find” 12k ballots, I.E. cheat.

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except of course its not. you are free to read into it whatever you wish, i’ll take it face value.

Should have looked in NYC, could have found 10 times that.

Sounds like motivated reasoning.