New Michael Moore film about Trump

The right-wing wackos have foisted all sorts of labels on Moore, but he’s really a people’s guy. Many of his films have been been about the plight of the common man – “Roger and Me” and “Sicko” are two. I think conservatives – real conservatives, not the Trump bunch – would be surprised they find they actually agree with him more than they would think.

So you adhere to the Moore conspiracy that Trump is literally on the verge of a fascism takeover of the United States?

Trump is an authoritarian, a propagandist and a liar. He’s become a cult hero turning his cult against the press. He’s talked about being like FDR. It’s not like Moore is making this stuff up. Trump is a danger to this country. He’s already shown that.

How is Trump authoritarian? The definition of an authoritarian is security over personal liberty.

Which of the last three presidents was responsible for taking away the most personal liberties from U.S. citizens?

The definition of an authoritarian has nothing to do with security over liberty.

Authoritarian Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Definition of Authoritarian
1 : of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority
had authoritarian parents
2 : of, relating to, or favoring a concentration of power in a leader or an elite not constitutionally responsible to the people

Yes it does, authoritarianism is brought around by the absence of liberty. There is a reason we see these types of authoritarian governments pop in countries that don’t have a constitution or freedom like we do.

Trump or any other leader is boxed in by the constitution. The only way to get around that would be a military coup and that’s not going to happen unless you believe in what Moore is selling.

I’m much more worried about the over reaches of Homeland Security, the patriot act and the NSA more than a potty mouth on twitter.

As I said what has Trump done that was more
authoritarian than wiretapping US citizens, collecting data from their phones?

You mean what Bush did?

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I actually went and saw it today. I am on the right side of the spectrum politically, but there were some things I actually agreed with. He lambasted Obama for his handling of the Flint, MI situation and also for the army training in that area. And, he was pushing for more pay for teachers, which I do a agree with.

The thing I most disagreed with him on was the gun portion and the way he tried to portray those in the gun community. At one point, he was showing a portion of one of Barry Elliot’s YouTube videos as one of the proponents of the gun community. I knew Barry personally and have bought guns from the last shop where he was employed. He actually passed away in 2014. So, some of his material was way out of date.

Exactly it started under Bush jr and since has been upheld by Obama and Trump.

The Movie, “It’s dead, Jim!”

Michael better learn Canadian right quick.

Thanks. I grimaced at that portion of the movie. As I said, he doesn’t spare anyone.

That’s a little too conspiracy theory stuff for me. As much as I disagreed with Dubya, I wouldn’t lay that on him. Or Obama either, though he wasn’t perfect. But he was tons better than what we have now.

Dinesh straight up lies and ONLY presents a one side version of his vision…

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  1. Rejecting or showing weak commitment to democratic rules.
  2. Denying the legitimacy of political opponents.
  3. Encouraging or tolerating violence.
  4. A readiness to stifle or limit civil liberties of opponents, including media.

■■■■■■■ amazing. It happens over and over and over. It’s like the very word is invisible to some folks.

The Trump EPA hasn’t solved the problem since Flint still has issues with the quality of their water.

I actually saw both the Moore and D’Souza movies. There were things I disagreed with in both, as they both tend to be extreme in their views - but, it kind of gives me insight into what both of the extreme positions are thinking. They both draw crowds of certain demographics because they cater to certain viewpoints.

That being said, with both movies you have to kind of recognize when they are showcasing their own perspective and interpret that in light of your own knowledge and perspective.

I’m not giving that bloated warthog, Moore, one dime of my money.

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I don’t think so but to each their own as they would say.

Iraq war
No child left behind
Medicare D
Homeland security
Patriot Act

Trump might suck but there is nothing he has done at least to me that tops that list.

You’re correct.