Nervous Nancy's dilemma

Neither are presidents.

Sure. Why isn’t that DOJ investigation happening? Biden is an arch-villain right? Should be easy to prosecute.

We don’t know exactly what Hunter did or did not do.

Some of the rumors are pretty bad.

We will know more when he discloses his income in an AK court.

That little paternity case where he tried to say he was unemployed…what a sweet guy.


The ongoing delusion that Donald withheld aid to Ukraine until they invesitagted Biden because he was SO dedicated to uprooting corruption is the most virulent manifestation of TDS.


Again- even if there was illegal activity ( which is a conspiracy theory-sigh), it’s the job of the DOJ, not the president and his personal attorney to solicit foreign governments to target a political enemy. Full Stop. Really this is a no brainer.

If the money laundering allegations have any merit I would expect the DOJ is involved.

Quid Pro Joe did get Shokin canned when nobody else could.

We know how EVERYBODY wanted Shokin gone…Joe made it happen.

Pick up the phone and call Obama.

He wants to endorse Joe…Joe told him not to though…He got this.


Hmmm. They’re not. Why?

Are you certain about that?

According to a story in the New York Post, Biden is being investigated regarding allegations of “fraud, money-laundering and a counterfeiting scheme.” The documents were filed relative to a paternity case that has been filed in Arkansas.


[quote=“SixFoot, post:2, topic:224101, full:true”]
It’s election season right now. Perhaps she wants it to go to the Senate while key Senators are out on the Trail.
[/quote] no dem senators would miss this trial.

Am I certain that the DOJ is not investigating Biden? Yes.

Again, why do you think that is?

I am also certain that conservatives will create conspiracy theories to deflect from one of the very simple and basic foundations of our republic.

Presidents should not solicit foreign government intervention to go after political opponents to win domestic elections. Nor should congress people nor any elected official in the entire US ever do this.

  • Overall, we rate Law Enforcement Today far Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that align with the conservative right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources, lack of transparency and one failed fact check.
    Are you kidding with this site?

Yeah it’s a horrendously bad deflection.

Indeed, that’s why she assassinated an Iranian general.


The original source is the Post.

It is an issue.

Maybe there is something there after all.

We will find out when the Arkansas court case moves forward.


Do you Believe President Trump is concerned with ending corruption? If so, why did he wait almost 3 years to focus on it? And why is he focusing on corruption in just one country?

I think he is no fan of foreign aid and if corruption is present he does want to expose and eliminate it.

Keep in mind the Quid Pro Joe bragging video was from 2018.

Corn Pop would not be happy that he made that vid when he did if he were still with us.


For two years while the FBI and then Mueller were investigating Trump I was told that you do the investigation to find the evidence of a crime. Now the investigation doesn’t come first?
The FBI rule, I believe, was that an allegation could be sufficient to start an investigation.


There was a major change in the Ukraine government just before the investigation was requested. And weren’t we told that the investigation into Trump became more significant to the FBI when he was clearly going to become the nominee? We didn’t want a President who was taking orders from a foreign government, did we?

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You mean the one where Trumps own Attorney General recused himself and his appointee Rosenstein started an investigation into Trump?

You sure must be mad at those Republican Trump appointees.

So you believe President Trump is genuinely concerned with corruption?