Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms

Thank you.

I hate this site …

I was beginning to suspect that. :wink:

He’d probably tell you that when the cop says “don’t reach for it”, “don’t reach for it”.

This is a really good book.

This book should be mandatory reading in every history class in the country.

The NAACP figures prominently. The first case they ever defended was a self-defense case.

True. They once served an actual valuable purpose.

I’m almost done with it. One of the best, most even handed books I’ve ever read.

I finished it. The last chapter alone was worth the price of the book.

The differences are clearly addressed. There was a lot of concern about the line between political violence and legitimate self-defense, including by MLK.

What you think happened, what you have been taught, is not true.

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Says the guy living is the state, like all it’s other southern brethren, was executing almost executively blacks for rape as lately as 1964…they only stopped then because of the moratorium on death penalty. Even armed blacks were no match for a white legal system stacked against them.

Cite the statute.

Libs got it removed form contemporary southern states laws.

Cite the statute.

You should read the book.

You can see the results here:

You should consider stop reading books written by nuts.

He’s not a nut.

And neither was the nut with the strange theory about the 3A. You seem to collect them.

Nothing in your citation supports your accusation, try again.

You’re wrong and I think you’re lying.

From 1880 on there’s an approx. 85 year history of Texas executing almost primarily black(and some Hispanic and native American) for rape. 95%+

All anyone has to do is look through the years listed in the link.