Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms

What part of my claim do think was false.

Over the same time period I count 33 whites and hispanics executed for the crime of rape.

Your statement was false as to the number and the percentages by race.

You’re cherry picking the results by including Hispanics. Also excluding crimes with more than rape.

I’m not cherry picking anything, you claimed that it was almost exclusively blacks who were executed for rape which is patently false.

Does this post ring any bells?

What part of ‘‘almost’’ did you not understand.

It wasn’t anywhere near exclusive period as I just showed.

The way you cherry picked the stats I’m not surprised. :rofl:

So what’s your point, that there was institutional racism in Texas? We’re aware.

Here’s the thing, they fought back far more than we are led to believe. They won far more than we are led to believe. Yes many died, but many didn’t. And they changed things. MLK himself had armed bodyguards. Private citizens with their own arms.

Read the book. Educate yourself.

I didn’t cherry pick anything I took the criteria you set and looked.

No, you exclude individuals executed if the rape included another crime.

If they were convicted of other crimes in association with the rape they were not given the death penalty for rape, they were given it for all of the crimes committed.

Robbery and murder were also capital crimes.

That’s a real piece of rationalization you got going there. People don’t get executed for robbery only, well, maybe blacks did if it was a white person.

The idea that ‘‘If they were convicted of other crimes in association with the rape they were not given the death penalty for rape’’ is so laughable on it’s face when so many were being executed for rape alone, makes me wonder about you reasoning skills.

Blacks, whites, and hispanics all got executed for robbery and murder in conjunction with the rapes they committed.

The sentence handed down in each case is based on the totality of the circumstances.

How many were executed for robbery alone?

I’m not inclined to spend the rest of the evening looking things up for you. Have you ever heard of aggravating factors and mitigating factors?

I’ll tell you, I looked…It’s…ZERO

I did too. I count at least one executed for robbery and jailbreaking and six others executed for crimes other than rape and murder.

Correction…zero for whites… there were a few black executed for robbery.