Nearly 1/2 of the nations Coronavirus cases are in NY

Yep. Making a fight where none exists is really silly.

I like both equally.

We were talking about intelligence.

Social distancing. Not lame at all.

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Uh Ok?

Anecdotal. Just like my experience with rural folks vs college educated.

Intelligence. Experience. Wisdom. Does the government provide that for you?

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Neither do I.

Does smelling human feces on the streets regardless of a college degree do it for you?

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not a whim, a skateboard or even a bicycleā€¦

ā€œLow incomeā€.

Same. I live in a rural region outside a major city and have good friends from all walks of life.

Yup. I think we all (well most) recognize that there are great people that come from all walks of life :wink:

I know for a fact that Tennessee lagged behind with testing, and that people with obvious symptoms were being sent home to self-quarantineā€¦without a test. And theyā€™re now on the rolls as official cases because they came back in serious enough condition.

And no one in the local health departments followed up with them to see who they came in contact with.

The problem with no testing/no tracing is lockdowns becaome far less effective because you donā€™t have a handle on how many infections you might have where.

Our lack of testing capability is going to go down as by FAR the biggest blunder of this entire handling of the crisis.

And there was no excuse for it.

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This is from the Center for Disease Control, a Federal agency.

Not everyone who may want to he tested for COVID 19 is recommended to do so.

How is alleged lack of testing particular to Tennessee?

This again now. You asked a question, I gave an brilliant reply. You did not ask me for a solution. I didnā€™t offer one either. Your agreement is not necessary. Nothing else left to be said.

Good question. Itā€™s complicated. I donā€™t have all the answers, but I believe these are some of them.

Lack of involved parenting.
Poor education
Peer pressure.
Lack of ambition
Lack of education (dropping out of school)
Not preparing for life, not bothering to learn a useful skill.

And #1

Being born into a family, area and lifestyle that encourages life on public assistance.
These people are screwed from the start. And the only solution government has, is more government money. Sad.

They have no choice but to offer this guidance because we still donā€™t have enough testing kits.

Even moreso back in February when we had almost none.

Or our host, who started, but did not finish, college.


Large swaths of rural america exist because of public assistance.

That is just the reality of it.

Good point. Successful and intelligent. No college degree.

Neither did Rush. A few lucky people are fortunate enough to find what they were born to do. I was not. :expressionless:

Canā€™t agree.

According to poverty demographics of Massachusetts, a higher percentage of non white and immigrant residents are classified as living in poverty & qualifying for assistance.

Not many nonwhite or immigrant residents live in rural communities. Iā€™m living in one and bordering another.

There arenā€™t many nonwhite or immigrant residents in either.

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Try visiting Grafton, Massachusetts, classified a rural community for purposes of a Guaranteed Rural Homebuying Loan.

If these communities are so impoverished and dependent on city residents for public assistance, why do so many choose to buy homes here?

Individuals and families choosing this sort of no down payment loan must choose a home in a listed rural community. There are secluded mansions on the north side of town, beautiful town homes in the center and more rentals on the south side.

My parents live in a rural community outside Tampa & have never collected one dime of public assistance. And some of the most entitlement minded when it comes to collecting welfare benefits, whether living in the city or rural areas, are gainfully employedā€”some in technical occupations.

Theyā€™re not sitting at home unemployed. They just fancy themselves above paying for anything.

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