Nearly 1/2 of the nations Coronavirus cases are in NY

Nice anecdote. Irrelevant but nice

What are LA and NYC doing about testing right now?


Yep that’s why Boeing is opening their new hq in Appalachia

Using the limited supply of tests they have left the best they can.

Do you think they got more than Tennessee?

By the way, that’s what Korea is doing also.

Boeing won’t be opening ■■■■ for a while.

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Probably. But they CA was still more proactive in the beginning seeing that they are now only testing severely sick patients and have a higher percentage of negative tests.

And yes Texas is doing better than California in that regard

So having large numbers of people in a small geographic area cannot in any way contribute to the spreading of a virus. Got it.

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Cuomo is 100% right, the more testing that’s done brings that fatality rate way closer to the actual number. Germany has tested the most by far and the last I checked the fatality rate there was .3% but they are testing 160,000 people a week.

From the Guardian

“This means Germany currently has the lowest mortality rate of the 10 countries most severely hit by the pandemic: 0.3% compared with 9% in Italy and 4.6% in the UK.”

The actual fatality numbers that were being pumped out causing mass hysteria was never the real fatality percentage. Germany is the closest we have to an actual fatality rate because of the mass testing.

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Those in the higher percentile for public assistance don’t live in large numbers in rural communities.

And if there’s nothing to offer, why does anyone buy, including with a USDA Guaranteed Rural Loan, in these communities?

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Really need to figure out how much is spread and how much is existing. Help with planning future moves.

Yeah for real. Thank the creator that this wasn’t another 1918. We’d have been royally screwed.

I do every day. :wink:

“Dependent on government” is dumb phrasing. The selection of what qualifies as such is very arbitrary.

In what God forsaken sense were they “less educated”?

Now what?

Harvard is less educated?

This should be of no surprise? Any modeling done back in January showed that New York would be hit hard, along with Seattle, LA and Chicago.

But first, close the bridges and seal the tunnels. You can’t let anyone escape from New York.