Nearly 1/2 of the nations Coronavirus cases are in NY


Studies done by very biased leftists don’t mean spit. Sorry.


Yup. Me too.


Folks like that would be starving if nor for hard working rural people.


Honestly? That’s hilarious.

Do you equate being less educated to lacking intelligence?

Maybe you should have a sit down with Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, hmmm?


Probably not. He has enough trouble remembering what state he’s in.

On average? Yes of course.


Cause I see one hell of a lot of educated idiots right now who can’t navigate their way out of a paper bag if it meant saving their life.

I’ll take the rural folk any day who had to learn in order to survive over the current “educated class” that needs to find a safe space lest they be triggered.


That makes one wonder, doesn’t it? What “state” IS he in? :wink:

Rural folk are just as dependent on government as city dwellers. The only real difference are the needs of each


The state of confusion.

Thanks for the easy set up. :smirk:

And heavy drug usage is the main reason they are both poor and relying on government assistance.

What drives heavy drug use?

Good question. It’s complicated. I don’t have all the answers, but I believe these are some of them.

Lack of involved parenting.
Poor education
Peer pressure.
Lack of ambition
Lack of education (dropping out of school)
Not preparing for life, not bothering to learn a useful skill.

And #1

Being born into a family, area and lifestyle that encourages life on public assistance.
These people are screwed from the start. And the only solution government has, is more government money. Sad.

So rural areas that are reliant on public money to survive drives drug use so the solution is to … what again now?

So you admit rural Americans need government money

I think it’s great when people are satisfied with their lives and circumstances.

Is a virus more likely to spread in a community that has fewer people more widely dispersed or in a community in which there are many people more closely packed together?

More overall tests (25% of all the nation’s tests) leads to more positive tests. Pretty simple.

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Rural versus city? Lame. I know hard working and smart people from both walks of life. Most of the most ambitious and hardest workers I’ve come across were from NYC.