NBC: U.S. dropping demand for N. Korea full disclosure of nuclear weapons

If the story is true and Trump has dropped the demand for full accounting of North Korea nuclear program before any talks of substance can go ahead, will you be in support of that and why?

As I have said countless times before on this forum, if Trump can get lasting peace I will be very happy and will applaud the man; however, so far I do not see any success with North Korea.

Trump was played by Pelosi and now it looks like he is getting played by N Korea.

What a ridiculous comment. With logic like that, Kim will have a bedroom at the White House soon enough.

Which of course never happened according to the WH.

Chalk up another swing and a miss for NBC.

Chalk another one up for fake news.

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It is in this case.

Has the White House ever lied?

Not nearly as often as NBC.

We’ll see how this story develops and who the liars are.

Let’s start with the story.

Who is the quoted source?

Who or what was the verification? Two independent sources? Name them.

Unnamed sources are bad… if it hurts Donald. Unnamed sources are good… when they help Donald.

Did I get that right?


Care to back that up Rose?

I know the answer already

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We should wait until the deal is announced if there even is a deal.

This is BS from NBC and their “mini-me” MSNBC! Who the hell are these "current & former US officials anyway? Probably Obama leftovers! :roll_eyes:

Trump has personal lied over 2,000 times in since he became President.

let go with the facts we know since the last summit.

North Korea missile program has not stopped.
North Korea enrichment program has not stopped.
North Korea has produced 6 + nuclear warheads increasing their number to based on U.S intel around 60.

what did America gain?

Besides, everyone knows North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat anyways, Trump said so himself so we know it’s not fake news.

And Republican call the Iran deal horrible, America/North Korea still have yet to offical agree on what the term denuclearization means.

for those who don’t know denucleraization to North Korea would be removal of all U.S troop in South Korea and removal of the 7th fleet.

Looks like the romance is over, they’re breaking up or fat donald’s bone spurs are acting up.


Art of deal. Everyone tired of all the winning?


They are not even talking about full denuclearization, that is clear. Pathetic.