NASCAR says goodbye to the confederate flag

The same, but that’s not what the TV told them. :man_shrugging:

Well, it’s a good thing they aren’t smart enough to figure it out or they’ll want to change our flag to a BLM flag.

It’s almost like they believe the south would have slaves again if the north wasn’t keeping an eye on em lol.


To hell with that BS flag of treasonous losers.
Wondering what’s taking so long for the US to ban it from public display altogether.

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The constitution for one. And hey, why so upset if people are treasonous to a nation that is permeated by systemic racism anyway?

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I can’t find any polling data. I imagine if we start to see the stars and bars at white supremicist rallies attitutudes could turn negative.

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Why are liberals okay with the stars and bars?

Because in America banning stuff isn’t our style. Private organizations can do as they please.

Apparently they love the flags of former slave states, as long as it’s their state. Using the term state as in nation state.

might that be because of the constant drumming by leftists in media about what they want everyone to think it means?

when it was in the dukes of hazards (back when the idiot modern left was just being born) it was simply a nod to southern culture

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Naw. It was racist.

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an unsupportable opinion



Racist because it flew over a slave state? Hmm, what other frequently flown flag was flown over the same thing?

they think that flag is racist too

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I don’t see them trying to ban it or stop people or companies from using it, yet.

I’m ok with it because it represents a totality of mostly positive history and culture. Unlike the confederate flag.

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oh give it time

its one of the many agonizing symbols to the hate america left


You’re really hung up on this “the US flag must be just as bad as the confederate flag” argument.

So, the people who flew it when it was a slave state are not the same people? They’ve changed? Even though systemic racism is rampant?

It’s called logic.

Is it though?