Nancy’s “Secret” Meetings

Okay. Do you feel better now? I hope so. :slight_smile:

Again, okay. Fortunately there are NOT any secret meetings going on, so nothing to worry about there. Hooray! :partying_face:

Out of curiosity, do you know how much legislation has been voted on and passed out of Nancy’s HOR, and sent on to MoscowMitch’s Senate?

Here is a starting point for your research, if you are so inclined…

You mean like this one that was passed in the House back in the middle of May and has been sitting with MoscowMitch since then?

This one really interests me. Can you explain why this needs to be passed? What is the benefit to the United States here? How is NAFTA 2.0 any different than NAFTA 1.0? I’d love to debate and discuss this one. Why are you in favor of this being passed?


How have we been talking about them if they’re secret?

In a “Soviet style secret investigation” the accused was completely unaware of being a target until the moment they were actually being marched to jail. This is literally the biggest news story in the world, hardly a secret

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I did not say any of that. You said that the meetings were classified. Sorry but they are not. So no national security secrets are going to be heard.
Now the dems are leaking out only little bits that don’t show the whole truth of what was said. This is wrong. They need to release every thing or they need to stripe the leakers of being in the meetings and keep everything secret. If they are not willing to do this the house GOP has the right as the voters from their states sent them to DC to read the transcripts of every hearing. It would be different if the left was not letting out just select parts. If they are going to release parts they need to release all.

Why do you think the Republicans won’t leak bits that reveal the truth of what was said? Are they complicit in this sham process since they haven’t given the American people the whole truth?

What is Devin Nunes hiding? I thought he was on the Trump Team!

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Deep State Republicans.

Nonsense. You cannot get to the truth without affording the R witnesses and cross examination.

We will get there.

The media is being called to task for its horrible complicity.

The process must be open and comparisons to anything other than impeachment precedent are not valid.



They have not called any witnesses.

They are not equal participants.

THIS process must be public as Graham so astutely pointed out.

It is all about process and transparency.


Sorry you don’t follow.

How do we know the validity and bias the witness may or may not have.

We don’t even have The transcripts. The media does not have the transcripts.

The process is a sham.


R cannot call corroborating witnesses.

It is a sham.


Hilarious. Who set up these rules?

You need to be directing your anger at the folks who originated the rules.

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Everyone knows that the Republicans set up those rules when they thought they would be able to go after a corrupt President Clinton. She didn’t win, therefore the rules need to be changed, as they’re no longer needed.


Good point!

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You have 50 Senators calling for an open vote and to follow precedent.

It isn’t just me.

It is a sham.


What part of the constitution gives the senate any role whatsoever in impeachment?

This is hilarious to watch.

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Even Romney is beginning to come to his senses.

You cannot undermine the Presidency this way. Much bigger than Trump opposition.

The peoples house is not about to subvert 63 million votes in a SCIF in the basement.

Reality is here.


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Well, I guess if all Lindsey can get is 50 cosponsors to whinge about the process, they have nothing to say about the facts.

Maybe republicans should spend a little time on that, too.

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You have no facts without process.

This is not chicken and egg.

Due process is vital and foremost.


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More hilarity. What due process is afforded during an investigation? What rights to confront witnesses and issue subpoenas are afforded to a SUSPECT?