Name the Date That Co-vid History Rewriters Wanted the Shutdown To Take Place?

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: You can’t be serious. 2+2=5?

And Biden Was saying that we were NOT prepapred based on Turmp rolling back protections Obama and Biden did. Such as had a full time pandemic response team,

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What action?

It was so obvious - That Trump never even suggest that was what Biden was talking about for another 3 months.

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That’s nice.

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How about…

Ah, there we go. Now we’re getting to the meat of it.

We do and did have a “full time pandemic team”, a couple in fact. The CDC, NIAID, etc. We spend billions on them. And the President formed the task force when?

Are you under the impression that an additional layer of bureaucracy of what? 10 people would have prevented COVID from what…?

Would they have overridden Fauci?


:rofl: Yeah, I’m aware of the claim.

Is Ziemer a better doctor than Fauci?

You know, as the impeachment hearings were picking up steam and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE was talking about a pandemic in Oct. 2019, the timing of that would seem…SUSPICIOUS to many, many people.

I’d never seen that quote before. Thanks.

Now, are you suggesting biden was calling for a shutdown in Oct. 2019?? Because otherwise it has no relevance to the topic at hand.


Fauci was never in charge.

Its hard to have a serious debate with you when you seem to not accept the most basic facts despite all the proof right in front of you.

According to you on this thread - the US was perfect ready to handle a pandemic and the only reason it didnt handle it perfect is because of someone who was never in charge.
But Everyone that predicted that the US wasnt ready and would have issue was wrong, despite the fact that we now know the US wasnt ready and did have issue.

its like you are arguing that Germany had nothing to do with WW2. Its just so wrong its hard to argue.


What did Ziemer say?

What did Larry Brilliant say?

It’s a small world.

:rofl: You can’t be serious. Fauci has been in charge from Day 1. The SME is always the strongest voice in the room.

Who was Obama’s nominal Ebola Czar? I bet you don’t know without looking it up. It wasn’t Ziemer.

It was however, who told Biden to tweet in October.

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Ebola was not a pandemic and 16 million Americans were infected by h1n1.

Indeed. Gallant effort, but you’re beating your head against a wall. Your facts cannot override others emotion.


Which pandemics?

Which one of them did he run the response to?

I know who told Biden to tweet that, do you?

You are nomally much better then this.

You want to get personal? That’s twice I believe.

Travel restrictions.
Have the CDC meet with local hopitals to take an inventory of equipment and what they might need.
Have the CDC meet with state representatives about what actions may be needed if the virus spreads
Ramp up production of masks
Work on creating test sets
Start work looking for a vaccine

All of which was started in early February. Some by the government, some by private companies. But all started at an early time.


Now we’re getting into the real politics of Corona!

What did Fauci say about sending Ziemer’s team back to the CDC?

I was brought in not because I knew about public health or pandemics but because I had had experience in making the different arms of the government work together and making them work effectively and quickly.


The high-level lessons applicable today are, first and foremost, let the medical experts be the touchstone of the responses—let them be the people who are formulating this strategy, let them be the spokespeople.


And, secondly, use every power that the federal government has to harness that direction into effective action, whether that’s getting the right equipment produced and put in the right places, whether it’s getting the right people mobilized and put in the right places. The federal government has vast power to do things if a president is willing to use it effectively.


I’ll post the speaker and the source in a minute.

Here’s my evidence of my check marks above: