Name the Date That Co-vid History Rewriters Wanted the Shutdown To Take Place?

Does anyone here ever stop and consider the fact that we had to “shut down” the way we did was an indication we failed in our response?

The biggest failure of course being unable to know where the growing hot spots were because of a failed and broken early testing response?


The study that he posted that says the US was evaluated as the most prepared in the world? Yeah.

How did he know the US wasn’t ready for a pandemic in October of 2019? Other than the study he posted that says we were of course?


I’d prefer just going back in time to Trump’s rally where he called the democrat’s criticism of his corona handling “their new hoax”. He wanted nothing to do with something that could hinder his presidential fun. It came from China, I banned travel from china, problem solved. Now who’s up for a round of golf? Lindsey?


Who’s reaponsibility is the failed and broken early test response?

Who was “handling” corona?

Seriously? I ussally expect more from you.

because he was Vice President for 8 years, during the H1N1 and Ebola. Because he knew about the pandemic playbook, the tweeks they had made, and about the pandemic response team.
He knew how it was left, and he knew the actions Trump had taken that left the US unprepared -As 2020 has proven out.

He was 100% correct! History has shown us this already.
the US was NOT prepapred for a pandemic. Trump even says that, he says “No one could have seen this coming” except Joe Biden DID. IN Oct.


An Executive Branch office and the czar appointed by the Chief Executive.

Two weeks

The gist of both articles you cited:

Blooberg - Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden said Friday he would urge governors nationwide to close down all non-essential activities in hopes of slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is resisting calls to issue a national stay-at-home order to stem the spread of the new coronavirus despite his administration’s projections that tens of thousands of Americans are likely to be killed by the disease. One by one, though, states are increasingly pushing shutdown orders of their own.

And yet you say that Biden wanted to call a nation wide shut down and Trump rejected the call for a nation wide shutdown, like we were talking about the same thing.

No, Biden did not say he wanted to order a nationwide shutdown because, like Trump, he realized he had no such authority.

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The state with by far the biggest virus mess was New York. Cuomo has stated that not one person died due to the lack of equipment to treat them.

Slate. Really?

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You are contradicting yourself at every turn.

I am not arguing, the only objective, peer-reviewed evaluation done says we were ready. Were they wrong? Not at the time.

What country was ready for this pandemic?

And then we have to address constraints and limitations, form of government, psychology of the populace etc.

We’ve done all this ad infinitum, one of the reasons I created that thread in the first place.

And here you © come again, Joe knew!

What did empathetic Joe say about the travel ban in January? How does it line up with his tweet from October?

Here’s some more truth for you: If Joe Biden had been President, the outcome would have been the same. Because the subject matter experts would have been the same and they ran the response.

The economic outcome would have been worse in my opinion.

The SME’s advised what they understood to be correct, it wasn’t malicious. And Trump’s sin was listening to them right down the line - not much of a sin. He had to and so would have any other President.

The reason our results are not as good as they might have been is because of us, not the government and not Trump. We were told by our governors what we needed to do in an operator-dependent safety environment and we didn’t do it.


Trump didn’t appoint Fauci.


That is absolutely ridiculous. The only way he could have known that was if he knew of error traps they left.

The very report he linked says we were ready.

Trump did nothing wrong but listen to the experts.

Alex Azar as Secretary of Health and Human Services was coordinating coronavirus efforts from Jan-early March, when Pence took over as “czar”.

And he most definitely was appointed as such by President Trump.

Fauci is not and never has been the czar leading the entire effort. If he had been, he also would have been a totally inappropriate choice.

1st =You are wrong, again. Your mistake about Joe Biden is you keep trusting that Trump is telling you the truth about what Biden said.
hes not.
Joe Biden was NEVER against the travel RESTRICTIONS put on china. Not once. He stated that about covid Americans “need to have a president who they can trust what he says about it, that he is going to act rationally about it.” He added, “This is no time for Donald Trump’s record of hysteria and xenophobia – hysterical xenophobia – and fearmongering to lead the way instead of science.”

But never once critized the China Travel restrictions.

2nd - You are the one that is trying to twist yourself in a knot here.

Here is a very simply fact.

In Oct 2019 - Joe Biden raised a alerm and stated via tweet that due to actions Trump has taken, teh US was not prepared for a pandemic.

In Jan of 2020 -Joe Biden posted a Op Ed that the Cornoavirus pandemic was coming to America and would be serious and the President need to stop minmizing it and take action

Those are BOTH facts.
If you want to argue that its not correct be my guest- but you are arguing Water isnt wet. Its plain to everyone both observations were 100% correct.

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Are you familiar with the blind hog and the acorn?

Did Joe say the reason we weren’t ready was because of the lack of discipline of the gen pop or our propensity for civil unrest (which the SMEs have since decided do not contribute to the spread)?

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Due to which actions? How were we not prepared? The study says we were. The study he linked.

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WOW!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

He was Vice President during 2 Pandemics and saw what Turmp did and accuratly predicted the result of Turmps actions.
You are nomally much better then this.


Biden made that statement about hysteria and xenophobia in regard to Trump the very next day after Trump had established travel restrictions from China. At the time, the connection was very obvious.

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