My wish for Biden's first state of the union

Currently, there’s only one viable party, unfortunately. I don’t like it either.


LOL. Yeah, it is. I voted libertarian in the last election except for judges who weren’t on the ballot.

What did you vote?

Do you understand math?

By that logic, dems throats should have been hoarse then.

:rofl: Which one and when did “currently” start for you?

I don’t, to much room for shenanigans like Rush’s Operation Chaos where he advocated for GOP voters to vote in the DEM primary so that the GOP could influence who the DEM nominee would be.

For Primaries I support:

  1. You have to be registered 90 days before the primary and have a designated party affiliation.
  2. GOP and DEM primaries MUST be held on the same day.
  3. If mail-in voting you receive a ballot for the party of record, if voting in person you receive a ballot for your party of record.
  4. If a registered voter you can change party affiliation any time you want, but the ballot you received to vote in the primary will be the party designated at the 90 day mark.

None of that of course would apply to the actual General Election, only primaries as a means to prevent voter fraud like Rush advocated for.

I like the way Georgia does it. Have one primary and then a run off with the top two vote getters. That would do wonders to end the polarization of this country.

If an Independent requested a party ballot 90 days in advance would that satisfy you?

I can’t recall how successful Rush’s campaign was to disrupt the Democratic primary process, but I can’t imagine it being something that could be sustained. If EITHER side were truly in the game to disrupt the other, why not just have a select number of loyalists register with the opposition permanently as “inside forces of disruption?” Maybe some are doing this already?

Independents have to live with the choices both parties give us - feels fair that they should have as equal say as who those choices are as much as party registered voters.

And you believe they should follow the wonderful example set by the Pelosi and company? You’re a funny guy. :smile:


They are following the example of Trump out of fear. It’s truly pathetic.

…he says in a thread he created that exactly calls for the GOP to follow the example set by Pelosi.

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Doesn’t Biden have to do something for a year before he gives a state of the union address? The less damage he does the more supportive of his address I intend to be.

Sure, same outcome using different words.

Basically at least 90 days prior to a primary you have to have designated which primary you wish to vote in.

A. If you already registered with that party affiliation, you need to do nothing.
B. If you are designated with a part and want to change it, you need to do so 90 days prior,
C. If you have no party designation on record an “Unaffiliated” or “Independent” voter, and wish to vote in a primary you must do so a minimum of 90 days in advance.

Make a choice, but I do not agree with those that have a “lock in” for their party being able to walk into another parties primary in an attempt to get a more likely to loose candidate on the General election ballot. In Virginia there was no GOP primary, it was canceled and Trump was anointed for the 2020 ballot. Could have been the same for DEMs in 2012, don’t know as I don’t vote in DEM primaries.

What that did was free GOP voters to show up and vote in the DEM primary because they had not need to participate in a GOP primary.

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Except we’ll be waiving the flag during our protests, not desecrating it.

They have.

Ooh! Pathetic. Have you tired of calling us Nazi’s, fascists, racists, homophobes, misogynists, etc? Compared to the ■■■■ you usually call us “pathetic” is almost a complement.

Y’all won the election. Yet you are acting as angry, bitter and miserable as ever. Maybe some counseling would be in order? :grinning:


I’m all for this.

The primary is (or should be) about the party deciding which candidate from their party they want to run in the general election.

If you’re not part of that party, you shouldn’t get a say in that process.

Then the ballots should include all candidates.

In Bidens case with his age it could be someone pointing out something wrong shouting “YOUR EYE”!!!

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And he was lying.