My question for forum libs

I am against rioting and looting. Not a positive form of protest in my opinion of course.


Samuel Adams and I reject your opinion.

Was not a positive. Declaring independence was.


Damn Margaret!

You ARE my “ITCH” Girl! You inspire me! Make me want to finish my post grad!

I wanna be just like you when I grow up!

Hugs girl!


That’s very sweet of you–so good to see you, fellow forum-veteran. I hope you are well!


Precisely this. Very solid point.

It’s not true.

This is Doublespeak at its finest…What Giuliani is doing is actually asking/threatening Michigan lawmakers to break their oaths, not keep them.

By ‘patriotism’ I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the best in the world but has no wish to force upon other people. Patriotism is of its nature defensive, both militarily and culturally. Nationalism, on the other hand, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

George Orwell.

Nationalism involves the loss of identity to the collective will, and part of that is the need for an “other”, a villain or a class of people who are responsible for the wrongs in your society. In our current nationalist bending administration the others are illegal immigrants and their caravans, middle eastern immigrants, environmentalists, SJWs, the “elites”, etc.

A Nationalist not only needs to ascribe and create their identity through nationalism, they also need an enemy as a common bond with their compatriots. Valid or not.


100% agree

“Nationalism is an infantile thing. It is the measles of mankind.”
― Albert Einstein


Nationalism does not require an enemy. A competitor will do. See: Canada

Patriots have competitors, nationalists have enemies. That is, at least, how I see it.

I remember Hitchens talking about this, in his memoir. Let me find it…

Here it is…

“I have often noticed that nationalism is at its strongest at the periphery. Hitler was Austrian, Bonaparte Corsican. In postwar Greece and Turkey the two most prominent ultra-right nationalists had both been born in Cyprus. The most extreme Irish Republicans are in Belfast and Derry (and Boston and New York). Sun Yat Sen, father of Chinese nationalism, was from Hong Kong. The Serbian extremists Milošević and Karadžić were from Montenegro and their most incendiary Croat counterparts in the Ustashe tended to hail from the frontier lands of Western Herzegovina.”

― Christopher Hitchens

Irish Republican from New York, go figure. He wrote this in 2010, very prescient if you ask me.

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I have conflicting views on Hitchins. But the IRA reference I find annoying. Shows a lack of knowledge of Ireland/North Ireland politics and history. Him just saying ■■■■ to get people to react.

Interesting. Patriotism is internal (to the country) and nationalism is external.

Which one was Canada’s recent move?

And in many ways, competitions is healthy.


Dunno, what was Canada’s recent move? Let me look it up.

From what I have seen it is either:

  1. Canada is resisting exporting meds to the US. They fear shortages, which is understandable, but it misses the mark when it comes to nationalism.
  2. Canada is supportive of farmers in India protesting their government, not nationalist either.
  3. They continue to close the border with the US, which is understandable.

I now see you are talking about the meds. Again, they will distribute to the US as long as it doesn’t hurt their own citizens, they are not making the drugs they are importing them and the importers don’t want them to ship to US, the drug companies want to keep screwing the US with higher prices.

Don’t blame Canada, blame the drug companies who are trying to stop this.