My my my how many people knew about spying?

No. The greatest crime of the century is the government’s willingness to let corrupt officials walk.

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Biden is simply a shill, the problem is who are the players.

Biden is The Great Lib Hope.

Just saw Clapper lying about the unmasking on CNN. The guy leading him on says that when you unmask, you don’t know who is being unmasked…to which Clapper says you are exactly right. Then the interviewer throws in: So when you asked for the unmasking of the Russian, you had no idea that it was Flynn who would be unmasked? Clapper agrees, then realizes somebody can check into it: “Now its possible that the context could have suggested that it was Flynn, I don’t remember”.
Jeeze…they charged the wrong person for lying.


Thank goodness nobody could ever accuse Trump of any of those things.

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You have anything to say about the spying on political opponents and unmasking?

All of them except 4. Now let’s talk about Biden. Or is “not worse than Trump” all you have.

■■■■ ! I forgot about collusion. 4 too. All of them.

Then why include 1-3 & 5 on your list at all?

Yes, this is an amusing double standard, so typical of the Right.

Because Biden did them. Why include Trump in every post.

Do you have anything to say about spying and unmasking?

I don’t, you know that. I just couldn’t pass this one up, being as funny as it was.

So no better than Trump is funny?

@altair1013 thinks you’re replying to him.

Weird. lol

Cough…Mueller investigation might explain for large portion of that.

He was accused of all those things by the people that did those things. That is so obvious i assume you were pointing it out for humor

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Good point.