Murder rate in Mexico spiking

If…he doesn’t…he’ll lose a great deal of support.

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Which sanctuary city is now harboring the killer of an American girl?

All of them. Rapists and drug dealers too.

What do I win?

You win the moral authority to be pissed off at your government officials who place invaders over citizens.

Keep moving those goalposts.

I don’t watch CNN or any other liberal news outlet. But yes, huh. Funny that, but t doesn’t mean a thing and most certainly isn’t proof of anything, gimme a break.

In early 2011, the project became controversial when it was revealed that Operation Wide Receiver (2006–2007) and Operation Fast and Furious (2009–2010) had allowed guns to “walk” into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.[3][4]

Under the Obama Administration they specifically and intentionally allowed them to cross the border just to see where they’d eventually turn up yet they did absolutely nothing to enable those guns to be tracked and didn’t even bother informing much less coordinating with the Mexican Gov’t.

Bush let them cross the border?

That jury was full of ■■■■■

Amnesty. Voters.

Did they catch the guy who stole the gun?

Accident or not he killed her and had he not been protected from deportation he would not have been able to do so.

Maybe. But I didn’t sit through the trial and examine the evidence, and I doubt you did either.

I agree. It’s hard to dispute those facts.

Once they were in the hands of cartel members here, who’s going to stop them? It was reckless as hell on both parties. If Obama did let them cross the border willfully, clearly he was more reckless. You and the others win a brownie point. I’ve seen no links with proof of them letting that happen but I do seem to remember talk of it at the time, but that could easily have been Brietbart style blather or something.

Funny thing is, I’m all for border control but I won’t lie to support my position.

He was guilty of manslaughter even if “he didn’t mean to do it.”

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I agree with that.

Well? …

They were stopped and arrested on this side of the border for straw purchases under the original program.