Mumbles biden Is "Too Old and Senile" To Be Charged With Crimes

In short, the SCOTUS confirmed that the Constitution means what it says. :wink: :+1:


Weirdly, Catholico Numero Uno doesn’t seem to agree with you.

Pope Frank is cool like that.

biden now has total immunity.

end of thread.


He wasn’t president when he committed these crimes.

Let’s keep going.

You’re confused Allan. Read the Court ruling.


Once again Biggestal saying stupid stuff since 2002


wordshard and brownstain are chiming in on the great biden replacement theory now.

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i did.

total immunity.

kill some as official act. immunity

arrest someone without a warrant as an official act. immunity.

give me a specific act that trump did and was indicted for that doesnt grant total presumptive immunity.

i will wait for an answer but wont hold my breath.


What sort of constitutional or statutory authority gives the President the authority to assassinate political opponents?
That’s just the hyperbolic horrible hypotheticals of Sotomayer talking.


That is what the lower level judge in DC is now tasked with determining. Wait and see. My suspicion is they will come up with something.

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Shows her to be a radical left partisan that should never have been appointed to the court.

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Slippery slopes are only true when Scalia wrote about them :blush:. I am kidding. Sotomayor hypotheticals are nonsense

Well, think of it this way…if Scranton Joe sets off WW3 by randomly pressing buttons on the nuclear football thinking it’s a telephone during one of his “off peak” moments outside of 10am to 4pm…he won’t face any charges.

So, you got that going for you.


did not answer the question posed. what was trump indicted for and should face trial given the SCOTUS ruling.


dont know, was not addressed in the SCOTUS opinion.

who is to say with such a vague phrase “official acts”

and that is mighty vague.


I agree on that. They sent it down for the lower court judge to decide. Then they will agree or not agree. Then we will see.

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What you have to wait for Allan is for the lower court to sort through the charges to see which ones fall under Presidential duty and which ones don’t, because that is what the SCOTUS Ruling directed. Had the High Court said “total immunity” they would not have done that, and the evaluation of charges would not be taking place.

You can play dumb about this if you like Allan; it won’t hurt your reputation here in the least.


One could hope that she regrets making the seal team 6 comment, but who knows, maybe she is actually that dumb. GHU if she is. :neutral_face:

Article II, Sections 2 and 3.

Wouldn’t that be something.

from the opinion

“zone of twilight”
